Spirometra tapeworm is a parasite not widely known in Poland and Europe. Meanwhile, it turns out that most of the animals in the Białowieża Forest - mainly wild boars - carry this parasite. You can develop sparganosis after eating meat from an infected animal. In the course of this disease, the parasite can attack the eyes, lungs and even the brain. Check how you can get infected with Spirometra tapeworm and what are the symptoms of infection.
Tapewormof the genusSpirometrais a parasite that causes a disease calledsparganosis.So far it was known mainly in Asian countries, and in Europe it was recognized sporadically. Isolated cases have been reported in Italy, the Czech Republic and Germany. In Poland, sparganosis has not yet been diagnosed in anyone. This does not mean that the tapeworm of the genus Spirometra does not occur in our country. It is known that the parasites causing sparganosis are often found in predatory animals in the Białowieża Primeval Forest. Already in 2011, hunters reported to veterinarians the presence of "mysterious" larvae in wild boar meat, but it was not officially confirmed that it was a tapeworm of the genus Spirometra. The parasite was first discovered two years later under the skin of a dead badger, and then larger-scale studies began. They included other species, incl. raccoon dogs, wild boars and it turned out that most of these animals in the Białowieża Primeval Forest suffer from sparganosis. In recent years, scientists from IBS PAN have examined over 150 animals for the infestation of the tapeworm Spirometra. Initial research is currently underway in the Augustów Primeval Forest, where the presence of the larvae of this parasite has also been confirmed.
Tapeworm of the genus Spirometra (sparganosis) - how does it get infected?
Tapeworm of the genus Spirometra parasitizes, among others in wild predatory mammals such as wild boar. In Asia, the larvae of this tapeworm are also found in frogs and snakes, which are treated there as a delicacy.
The infection occurs through the ingestion - after eating raw or undercooked meat that contains the larvae of the parasite, or after drinking contaminated water.
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Wild boar meat that is released for sale is not tested for sparganosis as it is now a practically unknown parasite. The larvae are difficult to identify,because they can resemble, for example, muscle fibers or tendons. Therefore, venison enthusiasts are advised to heat the meat for a long time or not eat it. It is also suggested not to drink water from the suspicious source.
Tapeworm of the genus Spirometra (sparganosis) - symptoms
The larvae of this tapeworm are usually located under the human skin, causing subcutaneous edema. The parasite quite often locates around the eye sockets, which can lead not only to visual disturbances, but also to damage to the eyeball. It happened that the larvae were also found in the lungs and even in the brain, causing severe symptoms.
Tapeworm of the genus Spirometra (Sparganosis) - treatment
Sparganosis is not a fatal disease, but it is very unpleasant. The larvae from under the skin or other parts of the body are surgically removed.