Dirofilariosis is a parasitic disease that is spread by mosquitoes. Dirofilaria nematode larvae occur in dogs and cats and can be transmitted to humans through their bloodstream. The disease came to Poland from southern Europe. What are the symptoms of heartworm infection?
Dirofilariasisis a disease caused by nematodesDirofilaria , which are transmitted in warm climates bymosquitoes . Unfortunately, it turns out that recently also Polish mosquitoes, which so far have only been the cause of troublesome stings and itching, can spread the larvae of this nematode.Dirofilariais a parasite that occurs in dogs, cats and wild animals and causes a disease calledheartworm disease .
How do you catch heartworm
A mosquito that feeds on animal blood encounters a dog or cat infected withDirofilaria . Along with its blood, the larvae of the parasite enter the mosquito's body. Here they undergo a transformation and travel to the mouth of the mosquito. The next time a mosquito bites, they get into the wound, and then into the subcutaneous tissue of the animal or person, which the mosquito made itself into a canteen. In the body of the next host, the larvae transform again and travel in the subcutaneous tissue ( Dirofilaria repens ) or enter the lungs or heart ( Dirofilaria immitis ).
Is a mosquito bite harmful to a child?
ImportantProtect yourself and your children from mosquito bites
The best weapon against heartworm disease is prevention. So try not to let mosquitoes bite you. Use insect repellants where they appear. Sprinkle them on your skin and clothes. For infants, the most effective protection is a mosquito net placed on the stroller.
Symptoms of heartworm disease
Nodules with larvaeDirofilaria repensappear in the most common, milder subcutaneous form. This may be accompanied by general weakness. These lesions need to be surgically removed to get rid of the parasite. More complicated is heartworm disease caused byDirofilaria immitis.Then the larvae travel to the lungs and heart, forming nodules there. This can cause coughing and even haemoptysis. Also then, the treatment consists in removing the nodules.
IsIs heartworm disease dangerous?
In Poland, veterinarians have been observing an increase in heartworm infections in our pets for 10 years. During this time, several dozen cases of human infection were recorded. In most of us, even if heartworm larvae enter the blood, the immune system destroys them. Nematodes only survive in some people, unfortunately doctors do not know what causes this. In addition, man is an accidental host of heartworms and the parasite does not mature in our bodies.
Bancroft's Filaria - the nematode Wuchereria bancrofti can cause elephantiasis.
The disease is dangerous for animals. If left untreated, it can kill your dog or cat. Dirofilariosis in animals develops very slowly with initially no symptoms. If in a dog or cat the parasites have become embedded in the heart, the animal becomes depressed, coughs and has difficulty breathing. As circulatory failure progresses, ascites may appear. The best and fastest way to find out if your dog or cat will have heartworm disease is to do an enzyme immunoassay with their blood.
ImportantCan you catch heartworm disease from a dog or a cat?
These animals do not directly infect with heartworm disease. The larvae, in the form found in animals, are not dangerous to us. They must get into the body of the mosquito and undergo a transformation there, the so-called I moult. Only then can they enter our bloodstream. Try to protect your pets from infection. Spot-on spot-on agents are available in the clinics of veterinarians to protect against heartworm infection for about 2-4 weeks.