You don't like wearing glasses? You can use ortho-correction - a method of treating a vision defect with contact lenses. The worn lens causes the shape of the cornea to change, and as a result, myopia, after removing it, sees better!
Did you knowmyopiacan be treated by wearingcontact lenses ? This method is calledortokorekcja . Most often, myopia develops in adolescence. It is usually the result of the eyeball's axis being lengthened or excessive bulging of the cornea - the lens covering the eyeball. Therefore, myopia has good vision up close and has trouble seeing at a distance. This eye defect may worsen, e.g. when our work requires us to look closely or we sit at the computer for hours, reading books.
Ortokorekcja - changing the shape of the cornea
In the 1960s, ophthalmologists from Canada and the USA noticed that contact lenses temporarily change the shape of the cornea - it flattens. As a result, myopia, after removing the lens, sees better! After this discovery, optical companies worked on the creation of a high-polymer lens material that would give the cornea the right shape, and at the same time were very light and eye-friendly, e.g. leaked oxygen.
The effectiveness of ortokorekcji
Ortokorekcja (OrtoK) is most effective with a visual impairment up to -4.5 diopters and astigmatism up to -1.5 diopters. Larger defects are only partially corrected, and then you have to wear glasses, but 4 diopters weaker. Ortho-lenses in children, after the age of 10, not only correct the defect, but also prevent it from enlarging or deepening more slowly. The effectiveness of the method depends on the systematic insertion of lenses and the compliance of our cornea. Corneal shape changes are reversible. When we do not put on lenses at night, it returns to its previous state after a dozen or so days.
Ortokorekcja step by step
- The ophthalmologist determines the power of the lenses and confronts it with the so-called computerized eye examination. He examines the condition of the front part of the eye and its fundus.
- Then the keratotopograph, that is a computer with special software, creates a color map of the cornea, showing where it is more convex and where it is concave. On this basis, it adjusts the shape of the ortho-lenses to the shape of the cornea in both eyes.
- The specialist tries on trial orthokeratological lenses for us and checks their position on the cornea. We wear them for two hours, after which the optometrist assesses whether our eyes tolerate them and whether the changes in the shape of the cornea are sufficient.
- The right orthokeratology lenses are now ordered for us. They are imported from the USA because they are not produced in Europe.
- Upon their receipt, we undergo an initial course of ortho-treatment. We report for a check-up after two or three days.
- For three months we put on lenses every night, for the next three, after checking, for every other night. When ortho treatment gives the desired results, we can put on lenses every third night. A set of ortho-kits and care products cost 2,000. zloty. These lenses can be used for two years.