To best protect your eyes, you need to follow a proper diet rich in antioxidants, anthocyanins and lutein. It is also worth investing in good sunglasses - they are a very fashionable and useful gadget, thanks to which you will protect your eyes from the harmful effects of UV rays.
Summer conjunctivitis is often the result of exposure to harsh sunlight, which dries out and irritateseyes . However, under the influence of intenseUV raysfree radicals are formed in the eye, which do much more damage than conjunctivitis - they contribute to the clouding of the lens (cataracts) and macular degeneration (AMD), i.e. a fragment of the retina responsible for color perception and visual acuity. The consequence of the destructive activity of free radicals is visual impairment and even blindness.
Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun
People with bright irises are particularly exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. But even if you have very dark eyes, you need to protect them. First of all, buy some goodsunglasseswith sunscreen. The best protection is provided by brown, amber, green and gray glasses. Check that they have the CE marking on them - it shows that they have an ultraviolet absorbing filter. This purchase is best done by an optometrist, and avoid wearing glasses with very dark lenses - especially if you are not sure if they really have a filter in them. In order to ensure good vision, the pupils then dilate sharply and through them penetrate more harmful ultraviolet rays than if you had no glasses on your nose at all. In addition, the lenses must not be too small - they should cover the entire eyes. Fortunately, sunglasses with large and even very large lenses are a hit this summer.
How to choose good sunglasses?
ImportantPlay with colors
Surround yourself with colors that promote well-being. Now it will not be difficult, because the hits of this summer are "friendly" colors - violet (good for memory), red and orange (stimulates, improves perceptiveness) blue (calms down), yellow (cheers up), turquoise (increases dynamism), green (restores internal balance). These colors, saturated and intense, dominate the summercostumes and makeup.
Proper diet will help your eyes
Do not underestimate the role of diet - what you eat can protect your eyes against free radicals to a large extent. These properties have antioxidants - they neutralize destructive radicals and inhibit the formation of substances that damage blood vessels. Vitamin A (egg yolks, butter, liver) and beta-carotene (carrots, apricots, pumpkin) are of particular importance for the eyes, which transforms into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin C (citrus, pepper, black currant) is also important antioxidants. , chokeberry) and E (olive oil). But the strongest eye protectors are anthocyanins obtained from blueberries and blueberries, as well as lutein. Anthocyanins fight free radicals and regenerate enzymes necessary for proper vision. Lutein (dark green vegetables, especially spinach, pumpkin, red pepper) accumulates in the central part of the retina, the macula, and acts as a filter that catches light that is harmful to the eyes. You can additionally support the diet with a preparation containing substances that have a protective effect on the eyes.
monthly "Zdrowie"