Headache in children also requires treatment, however, not all medications available for adults can be given to young patients. How can you help a child who suffers from a headache or migraine? What medications and natural methods are effective in treating headaches in children?
Headache in childrenhappens very often and specialists believe that histreatment , just like in adults. At the same time, however, doctors emphasize that in the case of headaches in children, prevention should play a much greater role, i.e. preventing the appearance of ailments by providing the child with an appropriate diet, the right dose of exercise and sleep.
Natural home remedies for a child's headache
First and foremost, you should eliminate all possible risk factors from your child's life that could trigger a migraine attack. The child should lead a regular, hygienic lifestyle - spend a lot of time on the move, in the air, and disappear from his diet or minimize s alt, carbonated drinks, yellow cheese, s alty and sweet snacks, chocolate, products containing monosodium glutamate and aspartame , junk food. In addition, in the prevention of headache in children, the following are usually much more effective than in adults:
- relaxation exercises
- acupressure
- herbal infusions
- aromatherapy
- biofeedback
- acupuncture
Headache in children: what medications can be given to a child?
The type of medication you can give to a child who has a headache depends primarily on their age. Remember that aspirin must not be given until the age of 12 (it may cause Reye's syndrome). We give young children drugs containing paracetamol or ibuprofen, dosing them according to the manufacturer's recommendations. In older children (over 15 years of age), during acute attacks of headache or migraine, adult migraine medications are given, but in appropriately reduced doses.
How to help your child get through the headache?
When your child has a headache, you can help them in the following ways:
- put them in a dark and quiet room
- if the vomiting wave has already passed, give plenty of fluids
- put cool onforehead
- give painkillers (if vomiting is severe - in the form of a suppository)
If your child suffers from recurring headaches, let their caregivers in kindergarten or school know and provide them with information on how they should deal with the child.