In the last trimester of pregnancy, it is worth having a streptococcal test. He will check whether these bacteria have become established in the vagina. The presence of streptococci is asymptomatic and is not dangerous for the mother, but streptococci can be a threat to the baby.
During pregnancy, streptococci can be dangerous for the baby. Therefore, in order for nothing to disturb the joyful atmosphere after childbirth, it is worth asking your gynecologist to test the vagina for specific bacteria: streptococci.Streptococcus agalactiaeGroup B (GBS, or Group B Streptococcus, LatinStreptococcus agalactiae ) live in the digestive tract of some people (both men and women). They can live there without harm to he alth, because the mere presence of streptococci in the human body is not a disease. However, since the end of the digestive system is in close proximity to the genital tract and urinary system, these bacteria can migrate to the vagina and urethra in a woman (they are found there on average in every fifth woman).
Streptococcus - bacteria dangerous to the fetus
When viewed under a microscope, streptococci resemble beads pulled on a string - hence their name. But these bacteria only appear to be friendly. Although they are not dangerous to a woman, if they are in the vagina and canal of the cervix during childbirth, they may (but do not have to!) Threaten the he alth of the newborn baby. At birth, the baby is devoid of all microorganisms, including the good ones that protect against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Therefore, certain microbes that he encounters at the beginning of his journey may be harmful to him. StreptococciStreptococcus agalactiaeis such a threat, which can be passed on to the baby as it passes through the birth canal. Infection is also possible earlier if the membranes rupture and the water breaks off 12-18 hours before delivery, allowing bacteria to penetrate the baby.
ImportantSilent infection
The presence of bacteriaStreptococcus agalactiaein women in the vagina does not cause vaginal discharge or itching. Therefore, the pregnant woman herself is not able to assess whether the germs are in her genital tract. The only research that explains this puzzle is vaginal and cervical culture.
The risk is greater when the birth started prematurely, the baby was infected in previous pregnancies, the mother hasdiabetes or a fever during childbirth. Infection can result in pneumonia, meningitis or sepsis in a child.
Streptococcus - diagnosis
So the question is, is there anything that can be done to detect these bacteria in a woman during pregnancy? And if they are detected, what to do then? Since bacteria are dangerous in childbirth and their presence in the vagina can fluctuate throughout pregnancy, it is best to have your test done at the end of the third trimester, between 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. If it is done within this time frame and the test shows the presence ofStreptococcus agalactiaein the vagina, there is enough time to combat it effectively. On the other hand, a test performed too early may not reveal bacteria that may settle in the genital tract only closer to the due date. Then the unaware mother will be convinced that she is free from these germs.
Vaginal culture
The test is simple - it involves taking a vaginal culture. If bacteria can be found in the collected material, it is also worth taking an antibiogram, i.e. tests determining which antibiotics are sensitive to these microorganisms. Thanks to this, you have a chance to get an effective antibiotic (vaginal) before giving birth. More often, however, doctors prescribe an intravenous antibiotic at the beginning of labor. Usually it is effective - the drug administered at this stage of labor will have time to work, because usually a few or even several hours pass from the first symptoms of the commencing labor to its final.
You must do itPerform vaginal culture
In Poland, there are really no guidelines requiring gynecologists to test vaginal culture in pregnant women in the last trimester. Some doctors rememberStreptococcus agalactiaeand order their patients to be tested. However, it happens, e.g. due to costs, that the test is omitted. So, if your doctor has not ordered you to undergo a vaginal culture between 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, ask about them. If the doctor does not see the need for the examination, you can do it at his own expense (price: PLN 50-70). You have to wait several days for the result. Performing the test is especially important when:
- it is possible that you will give birth before the due date
- you have diabetes
- in the previous pregnancy, the baby was given antibiotics after giving birth due to an infection.
Streptococcus: don't panic
Don't panic though, as there is also a lot of good news. First, not all women are carriers of these microbes. Secondly, the presence ofStreptococcus agalactiaebacteria in a woman's vagina during labor is not always equivalent toinfection of the baby. Third, even if a child becomes infected, it does not immediately mean a disease, because among those infected, symptoms develop in a few percent. Nevertheless, of course, it's better to be safe than sorry and protect your baby.
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