Rabbits have been bred for their fur and meat for centuries. It wasn't until the 19th century that they became pets. They began to be miniaturized - to make people more enjoyable. But that doesn't mean we can treat the rabbit like a mascot. Read how to handle a rabbit.
Rabbitas a gift for a toddler is a complete misunderstanding. You have to devote time to your pet every day, feed it, look after it, go to the vet for checkups and vaccinations. Let's consider if we will be able to do all of this for 6-8 years, because that's how much the domestic rabbit lives.
Domestic rabbit needs a mink
The open space does not give the rabbit a sense of security. Wild rabbits spend most of the day in their burrows. There is a cage in the house. Let's put it on the floor, for example in the corner of the room, away from the radiator and drafts. And let's not interfere too much with this rabbit sanctuary.
The minimum cage size for one bunny is 80 x 40 x 40 cm. It should have a deep plastic base and an extension made of metal rods. Doors on the side and top. The upper ones facilitate cleaning, the side ones allow the rabbit to leave the cage on his own, although we always decide when he can leave it.
Bedding.You can use coarse shavings (the best ones come from deciduous trees) or store-bought wooden gravel made of pressed sawdust. It is also worth putting straw in which the rabbit will be happy to bury itself. We replace it every day. We must clean the cage at least once a week and wash all elements with disinfectant.
Litter box.Rabbits make pellets where it falls, but usually they learn to pass urine in a specific place (they cannot be punished if they are not). It is more convenient to clean the litter box with the urine separator.
Drinker.The rabbit must be provided with constant access to clean drinking water. You can install a ball drinker in the cage (available for purchase at a pet store) or insert a bowl. Every day we have to wash the vessel and refill the water, without waiting for it to run out.
Rabbit food
Hay is not only bedding, but also a source of fiber. It facilitates the movement of food contents and grinding the teeth. The rabbit's main food is granules of ground greens. Includes allnutrients in the right proportions. We serve it in a ceramic container (the lighter one will be turned over immediately). Let's control the rabbit's weight gain, because obesity is deadly for him.
Rabbit should also get greens every day - parsley, dill, dandelion, chicory, broccoli, raspberry leaves, grapes, lettuce. Colorful crisps, butts, drops - these are fast food devoid of value and, in excess, harmful. Carrots and apples can be additional delicacies. Everything is fresh, not sprayed, rinsed and necessarily dried (when wet, it causes flatulence). Do not feed your rabbit with a bun or any other human food.
Rabbit needs movement
Even in the largest cage, the pet cannot stay all the time because it will become nervous. For the psyche, external stimuli and contact with caregivers are important. Movement is the basis of he alth - it prevents degeneration of the spine and joints, overweight and general disability. Therefore, the pet must be allowed to run freely for at least 3 hours a day. Let's keep an eye on him then, because he can wreak havoc in the apartment. Sharp incisors allow him to gnaw a variety of objects. That is why it is worth adapting the environment: remove valuable items, cover electric wires, and, just in case, potted flowers (not a problem if the plant is damaged; much worse when it turns out to be poisonous).
Combing for a rabbit
The short-haired rabbit deals with the care of its fur on its own: it licks it. But he also swallows. Its excess can cause a blockage in the intestines. So that there is as little swallowed hair as possible, it is worth combing it out. However, the duty is to brush the Angora rabbit every day. Long hair is the result of human breeding treatments, therefore rabbits are not able to clean it thoroughly. The brush for Persian cats is best suited for this. We need to get the rabbit used to brushing and other treatments, e.g. teeth control.
Rabbit at the vet
The slogan "prevention is better than cure" applies to both humans and animals. Rabbits are delicate, and any disease or stress can be dangerous. The most dangerous, often fatal, is viral myxomatosis. Fortunately, there is a vaccine that provides immunity for about six months. Relatively often there are abscesses (as a result of bacterial infection) and malocclusions, which may be congenital or caused by inadequate nutrition. They require regular correction, so the bunny's teeth should be checked once a year.
Anything abnormal is a wake-up call. If you notice the rabbithe is sneezing, he is depressed, has no appetite, has not puffed in the last 12 hours or has diarrhea, is running out of his eyes or nose, has lumps or cuts on his skin, go to the vet right away! Even if it turns out that the panic was premature, it is worthwhile to have the person examined and, if necessary, to clean the ears, check the bite or trim the claws.
Where to go for help"Rabbit" pages:
http: //www.kroliki.net/ - Rabbit Aid Association
The Rabbit Aid Association, operating since 2005, focuses primarily on helping and organizing adoption for homeless rabbits, which is a common but often underestimated phenomenon. Members of the Association take care of stray rabbits and look for new homes for them. Volunteers operate in Warsaw, Kraków, Sopot, Lublin, Wrocław, Szczecin, Rybnik.

Rabbit character
There are many breeds of rabbits. They weigh 1-7 kg. They reach sexual maturity around the fourth month of life. People then often get rid of them because of the importance of the terrain or aggressiveness. In this case, it is worth deciding to sterilize. It is necessary if we do not want to reproduce, and we have individuals of both sexes. It also prevents cancer of the reproductive organs, more often in females.
A he althy rabbit is cheerful and inquisitive. Looks everywhere, but usually doesn't like picking. If necessary, let's do it carefully with both hands because it has a very delicate skeletal system. Just as nervous. You have to tame the bunny gradually. In an emergency, it can growl, stomp, bite or scratch out of fear. Most rabbits like to be petted, and some even come on call.
Sad fate of little bunnies
Bunnies are sold in shops and markets at the age of 4-5 weeks. They look sweet until the heart melts. But when we look under the tail, we see sticky fur, symptoms of scabies or bacterial contamination. The age at which a rabbit baby may be weaned is a minimum of 8 weeks. The younger ones do not have a sufficiently developed immune system and are prone to infections, which usually result in death at this age.
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