A nursing home is not the same as a retirement home. People who are unable to function independently due to age or illness or significant disability are referred to the SCC. Who is en titled to stay in a nursing home and what formalities must be met to become a DPS resident?

Social welfare homes(in short: DPS) replace the family in caring for a person who, for various reasons, requires 24-hour support, because without professional care, he is unable to function. An elderly person, disabled, sick or requiring care for other reasons may stay in it 24 hours a day, using the so-called non-monetary benefits of social assistance.

It is worth knowing that the care in the nursing home can be used by both those who do not have a family and those whose family, for various reasons, is not able to provide them with professional, round-the-clock assistance.

Contents :

  1. Social welfare homes: types
  2. Social welfare homes: scope of assistance
  3. Social welfare homes: how much does a stay cost?
  4. Social welfare homes: how to arrange a stay?
  5. Social welfare homes: party

Social welfare homes: types

It is good to know that there is no one type of social care home. These facilities are divided according to the age of the residents and the type of care they need. Therefore, the following types of social welfare homes currently operate in Poland:

  • homes for the elderly,
  • homes for chronically mentally ill people,
  • homes for chronically somatically ill people,
  • homes for adults with intellectual disabilities,
  • homes for intellectually disabled children and adolescents,
  • houses for people addicted to alcohol,
  • houses for people with physical disabilities.

Social welfare homes: scope of assistance

Regardless of the type, nursing homes provide a full range of services, in line with the individual needs of each resident. This is precisely determined by the regulations according to which the residents of the Nursing Home are guaranteed:

  • satisfaction of living needs : place of residence, food, clothes and shoes, cleaning,
  • care services:care, help with basiclife activities, necessary support while taking care of personal matters,
  • supporting services:enabling participation in occupational therapy and improving fitness, providing conditions for the development of self-governance, meeting cultural and religious needs, stimulating contacts with family and local community, and in the case of homes for younger people - also activities aimed at becoming independent and working, if of course it is possible and advisable in their case.

Supporting services also includefinancing of expenseson necessary personal items, which are available to people who do not have their own income and is not higher than 30 percent. permanent allowance from social assistance.

Social welfare homes: how much does a stay cost?

The stay in DPS is paid, and the amount is determined by the so-called governing body (mayor or commune head).

Currently, according to the regulations, for a stay in a nursing home is paid first of all by the inmate - if he has the means to do so. It is worth noting that, in accordance with the regulations, he may allocate no more than 70 percent to the DPS fee. your income).

If the inmate does not have a fixed income (allowance, old-age pension, disability pension) or it is too small to pay for a partial payment, to pay for the cost of his stay or to pay for the part he has already paid, his relatives are obliged : spouse, adult children or (in the case of adolescents and children) - parents.

In some cases, these costs are covered by the commune of which the resident is a resident. The costs of staying in the DPS can also be covered by other people: distant relatives, friends, sponsors.

Social welfare homes: how to arrange a stay?

A senior who requires a stay in the Nursing Home goes to the facility that is located as close to his place of residence as possible. However, it requires the consent of the person concerned or their legal representative.

The application for referral to the DPScan be submitted by both a potential resident and his representative (who may be, for example, a member of the immediate family), as well as an employee of the social welfare center (OPS) or the poviat family support center (PCPR). The application should be submitted to the OPS competent for the place of residence.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • opinion from a family community interview conducted by a social worker - it must contain a written statement that it is impossible to provide care services in the place of residence both by the family and by the commune,
  • decision determining the amount of the old-age or disability pension,
  • written consent to pay the fee and its deduction from the pension,
  • income statements for family members liable to pay the fee,
  • in the case of veterans and people who are victims of war and post-war repression - an appropriate certificate that confirms it.

In some cases, such documents are completed by a social welfare center, which issues a decision for referral to the DPS - so it is worth checking in advance which side has to prepare the documentation.

Social welfare homes: party

People who apply for a stay in the Nursing Home are sent there for an indefinite period. Unless they apply for a stay only on a specified date.

It is worth knowing, however, that you usually have to wait a while for admission to the Nursing Home - it usually takes up to three months from the moment of submitting the application. In emergencies resulting from random events, admission to DPS may take place out of sequence.

Therefore, when it is necessary, a person waiting to be admitted to a social care home is entered on the waiting list and initially informs about the expected date of waiting. During this time, the prospective inmate is visited by a social worker in the home where he or she will be living and conducts an interview, which then forms the basis for the development of an individual support plan.

Then the only thing left is to wait for a written notification about the date of admission to the DPS, which is sent by the director of the facility. He (or a person designated by him) accepts the inmate.

The stay begins with an interview, during which the current situation is determined and all changes that have occurred since submitting the application are discussed, as well as the agreed conditions of stay. During this conversation, the person referred to the DPS also gets to know the scope of services provided by the house.
