Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Poland, after lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women. It is diagnosed in over 15.5 thousand. people per year. As many as 28 people die in Poland every day due to colorectal cancer. However, an early diagnosis of neoplasms gives doctors a chance to start treatment quickly and provide more effective therapy.
Every year,colorectal cancerdevelops 1.2 million people worldwide, of which as much as 60 percent. in highly developed countries. In the European Unioncolorectal canceris diagnosed in almost half a million people (400,000) annually. Half of the patients cannot be saved, making colorectal cancer the second most deadly cancer in the EU, after lung cancer.
Worryingly, Poland records the highest dynamics in the number of colorectal cancer incidence in Europe. The number of people in our country, especially men, who lose the fight against this cancer is much higher than in Western and Northern European countries, where the mortality rate is falling.
Nationally,colorectal cancerbelongs to the group of cancers most burdened with mortality, taking almost 10.5 thousand each year. people. Only in the Mazowieckie voivodship over 15,000 have died from colorectal cancer in the last 11 years. people.
Colon cancer - free colonoscopy
On the occasion of the Colon Cancer Awareness Month that is just beginning, the Polish Ostomy Society POL-ILKO appeals: do not be afraid of colonoscopic examinations! For people over 55 years of age, prophylactic colonoscopy is free, and it is performed by over 80 centers throughout the country. In the first stages of key importance for the treatment of the disease, neither the cancer nor the polyps cause pain, thus putting people affected by the disease to sleep.
In order to increase the chances and awareness of Polish patients, the Screening Program for the early detection of colorectal cancer was established in 2000 as part of the National Program for Combating Cancer Diseases. As part of this initiative, patients aged 55-64 can undergo a free colonoscopy, which, if performed regularly, reduces the risk of bowel cancer.thick by as much as 60-90 percent. It is estimated that in the 55-64 age group as many as a quarter of respondents suffer from polyps, and 5% of them will most likely face cancer.
People aged 40-49, whose first-degree relatives (parents, children, siblings) suffered from colorectal cancer, are also eligible for free tests. The research is carried out by 80 medical centers in Poland, a complete list of which in individual provinces is available at
Colon cancer - preventive examinations that save lives
According to EU experts, early cancer diagnosis leads to a reduction in the mortality rate by at least 40%. In the USA, the percentage of patients who win the fight against cancer is growing. Currently, there are over a million people in the United States who have won the fight against colorectal cancer. Polish Ostomy Society POL-ILKO, acting for the benefit of people suffering from colon cancer, calls for more frequent prophylactic colonoscopic examinations.
- In the case of colorectal cancer, the most important thing is early detection of lesions. The disease progresses slowly, in the first phase taking the form of benign changes called polyps. Only with time does it turn into a dangerous disease that requires intensive oncological treatment. Removal of polyps at an early stage helps to prevent the development of cancer, and its early detection significantly increases the likelihood of recovery. People who regularly undergo checkups give themselves a chance for a he althy life - explains Andrzej Piwowarski, President of the Board of the Polish Stoma Society POL-ILKO.
Colorectal cancer - symptoms and risk factors
Colorectal cancer is a malignant growth of cells in the lining of the colon or rectum. Usually, cancer develops from benign lesions called adenomas, which in the initial stages take the form of polyps. In most cases, polyps don't cause any symptoms. Undetected and undetected polypoid lesions can turn into cancer over time. Symptoms of colorectal cancer may include blood in the stool, abnormal bowel movements ( alternating diarrhea and constipation) lasting more than six weeks, unnecessary weight loss, pain in the abdomen or lower back, feeling that you have an incomplete bowel movement after passing stools. Sometimes cancer also causes intestinal obstruction.
Data from the Screening Program show that the vast majority of new cases occur in people over 65. The American Cancer Association completes thisinformation on the data collected on the American market, according to which as much as 90 percent. new cases are diagnosed in people over 50 years of age. Factors increasing the likelihood of colorectal cancer incidence are also genetic predisposition and diagnosed cases of colorectal cancer among members of the immediate family. The lifestyle is also influencing. A balanced diet, exercise and limited consumption of stimulants significantly reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.
Colorectal cancer can be treated at home
The basic method of treatment is resection, i.e. surgical removal of the tumor. The other methods of treating cancer are chemotherapy and radiation, or radiation therapy. For over 10 years, one of the methods of treating colorectal cancer available in Poland is also the so-called Oral chemotherapy.
Thanks to this form of chemotherapy, patients who are ill spend up to 85% of their visits to the doctor and hospital. less time. They can take the drug at home, while being under the constant supervision of an oncologist. Oral chemotherapy also reduces a number of inconveniences caused not only by the course of the disease, but also by frequent hospitalizations associated with the need to undergo regular intravenous chemotherapy. Oncologists also point out the benefits for patients resulting from the use of oral chemotherapy.
- From the physician's point of view, the possibility of oral treatment is an extremely valuable therapy option and should be used in all situations where we have an effective and low-toxic form of oral treatment. In my opinion, the use of oral therapy significantly improves the patient's treatment comfort, reducing the need for hospitalization. Undoubtedly, the costs of oral treatment are also lower, which in the era of constant difficulties with financing treatment procedures is of considerable importance in our country, explains Agnieszka Jagiełło-Gruszfeld, MD, PhD from the Oncology Center-Institute. Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie in Warsaw.
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