Halva is a sweet product whose nutritional values and he alth properties have been appreciated in Poland for a long time. In our country, sesame halva is most famous, but halva is also made from other oilseeds. Greek and Turkish halva has also gained popularity. Check what halva is available on the market, find out what distinguishes its different types and what are the nutritional values of halva. Also try the homemade halva recipe.
Halvais a confectionery product characterized by a greasy, fibrous, crumbly consistency, made from oilseeds and caramel.Propertiesandnutritional values halva was first appreciated by the inhabitants of Iran, where it comes from. From there, halva spread to the Middle East and Central Asia. It came to Europe from India at the beginning of the 20th century. Although halva is high in fat, it contains mainly mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which affects its he alth properties. So you can reach for it, but only from time to time and in moderate amounts, incl. due tocalorific value . However, people suffering from chronic diseases must completely give it up.
Halva: types and methods of production
There are several types of halva, depending on the seeds used in its production - so you can mention the most famous sesame and sunflower halva, as well as pistachio, almond and peanut halva.
Halva is also prepared from other ingredients. In Russia, halva is made from poppy seeds, sunflower seeds and nuts. Indian halva is produced using carrots boiled in milk with the addition of spices, while halva in South Asia with semolina, and in Afghanistan and India - based on semolina. In addition, other variants of halva are also known:Greek halva , produced on the basis of corn starch, andTurkish halva , which looks like cotton candy but tastes good like tahini (sesame seed paste). Turkish halva has a variety of flavors, the most famous of which are pistachio, vanilla and cocoa halva.
Production of halva begins with the preparation of oily pulp by separately peeling the seeds and roasting them, followed by immediate cooling to 50 degrees C and grinding to a pulp. In the followingin order, caramel mass, possibly flavorings, are added to the pulp and mixed by hand until a characteristic structure is obtained: plump, elastic, with a light cream color and a slightly shiny surface. The halva is then molded and packaged.
Halva: nutritional values
Nutritional value in 100 g of sesame halva
Caloric value | 516 kcal |
Protein | 14.2 g |
Fats | 33.1 g |
Saturated fat | 4.75 g |
Monounsaturated fat | 14.27 g |
Polyunsaturated fat | 14.0 g |
Cholesterol | 0.0 mg |
Carbohydrates | 46.4 g |
Fiber | 5.7 g |
Sucrose | 15.8 g |
Sodium | 123 mg (8% of the RDA for an adult) |
Potassium | 198 mg (4%) |
Calcium | 58 mg (6%) |
Phosphorus | 395 mg (56%) |
Magnesium | 193 mg (48%) |
Iron | 3 mg (30%) |
Zinc | 1.43 mg (13%) |
Vitamin A | 1 µg (0.1%) |
Vitamin E | 1.29 mg (13%) |
Vitamin B1 | 0.4 mg (31%) |
Vitamin B2 | 0.23 mg (18%) |
Niacin | 3.83 mg (24%) |
Vitamin B6 | 0.4 mg (31%) |
Vitamin B12 | 0.0 µg (0%) |
Vitamin C | 0.0 µg (0%) |
Vitamin D | 0.0 µg (0%) |
Source: Tables of the nutritional value of food products and dishes of the Food and Nutrition Institute,% of the recommended daily intake based on the Nutrition Standards of the Institute of Food and Culture, 2012
Halva: nutritional values and properties. Is halva he althy?
The nutritional value of halva resultsmainly from the content of sesame in its composition. Although halva is a caloric (100 g halva provides 516 kcal) and high-fat product, it contains mainly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, halva is rich in minerals: phosphorus, magnesium and iron as wellB vitamins and vitamin E.
Halva is not a product that we should eat every day. Let's choose it from time to time and in small numbers.
Vitamin B1 has a positive effect on the nervous, immune and circulatory systems by strengthening blood vessels and protecting them against the accumulation of cholesterol deposits. In addition, halva, due to the content of B vitamins, phosphorus and antioxidants, can prevent the development of gastrointestinal cancer, improve lung function and soothe migraine headaches.
Halva made from the seeds of oilseeds other than sesame slightly differs in the content of vitamins and minerals. The halva produced by sunflower seeds is distinguished by a high content of vitamin B1, pistachio halva - magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and vitamin B6, almond halva is rich in magnesium and potassium, and peanut halva - vitamins B2, B6 and niacin.
Halva - why is it worth eating sesame halva? What are the properties and nutritional values?
Source: x-news.pl/TVN Style
Worth knowingHalva - contraindications
Halva is not recommended for obese people, due to its high caloric content, diabetics, people with digestive system diseases and allergy sufferers. The consumption of halva by people allergic to sesame is associated with abdominal pain, allergic skin breakouts or runny nose.
What kind of halva should you choose?
The assortment of halva on the market is extremely wide: traditional halva, flavored halva, halva with the addition of dried fruits, halva in chocolate, sold in unit packages or by weight. They differ in quality, taste and content of enhancing substances. When choosing halva, it is worth following the composition given on the packaging and choose the one with the shortest possible and without the addition of emulsifiers, flavors, dyes, hardened fats or glucose-fructose syrup. It is also worth paying attention to the percentage of sesame - the higher it is, the better quality halva is and has greater he alth benefits, which are determined by sesame and the content of natural ingredients (molasses, almonds, sugar, seeds).
A good quality halva should not have a bitter, soapy taste or a hard consistency, and oil should not leak out of it. A well-prepared halva does not crumble and does not stick to the teeth, it is distinguished by the dark color of the mass and a slimy skin.
Halva - Katarzyna Bosacka suggests how to choose a good halva
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN
Halva - use in the kitchen. How to store halva?
Halva is perfect for eating as a sweet snack, but not only. Onusing the halva base, you can prepare desserts with the addition of yoghurt or jelly, cheesecakes, shortbread cookies and halva creams for cakes.
Keep the halvah in the refrigerator, sealed in a glass container, for no longer than a month.
This will be useful to youHalva - homemade halva recipe
- 500 g of roasted sesame (Tahini) paste
- 500 g honey
- 1 teaspoon rapeseed oil
Preparation method:
Prepare a baking tray, cover with parchment paper and brush with rapeseed oil. Put the tahini into a pot, heat it over low heat, stirring occasionally, until it reaches 50 degrees Celsius. Take it off the heat after reaching this temperature, add liquid honey and mix thoroughly. When the mixture begins to separate from the edges of the pan, pour it into the baking tray and use a wide wooden spoon to smooth the surface. Allow to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for about 3 hours.
If you want to prepare flavored halva, add vanilla pod, cocoa, pistachios or almonds.