Erythritol (aka erythritol) is a very he althy sweetener. The glycemic index of erythritol is zero, which makes it safe for diabetics and recommended for people with insulin resistance. In addition, it helps to limit the development of tooth decay and protects the body against free radicals. Erythritol is also good for weight loss as it has virtually no calories and is almost as sweet as regular sugar. What other properties does erythritol have and what are the side effects of its use?
Erythritol - what is it?
Erythritol(or erythritol) is asweetener , which - like xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol - belongs to the group of polyhydroxy (sugar) alcohols ).
These are compounds that are characterized by a low energy value and the fact that they do not raise the level of glucose in the blood. Consequently,erythritolis considered a veryhe althysugar substitute. It looks very much like sugar - like sugar, erythritol is white and has the form of very fine, loose crystals.
Erythritol-occurrence and recovery
Erythritoloccurs in nature mainly in:
- flower pollen,
- fruit (pears, melons, grapes),
- hat mushrooms,
- seafood,
- fermented drinks such as wine,
- lichens and marine algae.
Howevererythritolavailable instoresis not obtained from these products. And what is erythritol made from? This sweetener is most often synthesized byyeast Yarrowia lipolytica Wratislaviawithwaste glycerin . These yeasts are found in soil and some food products, incl. vegetable oils, margarine, mayonnaise and cheeses with mold growth. In turn, waste glycerin is produced, among others in the production of biofuels.
In the past, erythritol was obtained from glucose or starch hydrolysates thanks to other species of yeast, incl.Candida magnoliaeczyTorula . However, the price of glycerin is much lower than that of glucose, which is why obtaining erythritol from the former has become more profitable.
What does erythritol taste like?
Erythritol looks like food sugar, however there is a littlelesssweetfrom him. It has a sweetness equal to60-70 percent of thetable sugar (sucrose) sweetness, which means that to obtain the sweetness caused by 5 g of sugar, about 6.5-7 g of erythritol must be consumed. In addition, this sweetener causes a pleasant sensationcool mouth .
Besides, unlike other substances of this type, it does not leaveforeign aftertaste . For this reason, it is very often combined with other sweeteners (e.g. with aspartame) to mask their undesirable taste and improve sweetness.

Why is erythritol he althy?
Erythritol, unlike sugar and other sweeteners, is not metabolized by the human body, but isexcretedunchanged in the urine. All because it does not contain enzymes responsible for its breakdown in the body.
Erythritol does not affect blood glucose and insulin levels because its glycemic index is zero. Therefore, people with diabetes can reach for it without worrying about their he alth.
This sweetener may also reduce the development of tooth decay as it has the ability to inhibit the fermentation of some sugars by bacteria in the mouth, mainly those of the typeStreptococcus , which are responsible for m. in for losses.
Erythritol also has theantioxidant function , thanks to which it combines with free radicals and thus protects the body against their harmful effects.
Erythritol and slimming. How much calories does erythritol have?
Erythritol has a low energy value, so another effect of its consumption isweight loss . 1 g of this sweetener provides little, because 0.2-0.4 kcal (for this reason, many manufacturers on the packaging write that it is acalorie-freesweetener). For comparison - 1 g of table sugar provides 4 kcal. Thus, erythritol isthe least caloric sweetener .
Does erythritol have side effects?
Erythritol carcinogenic? It's not true. Research shows that erythritol is not harmful, even when consumed in very large amounts. This was confirmed by the World He alth Organization (WHO) in its special statement, which recognized erythritol ascompletely safefood additive.
He althier sugar substitutes

Where to buy erythritol?
Erythritol - where to buy it? The answer to this question is very simple: You can buy erythritol at almost any grocery store.
How to use erythritol?
Due to the fact that erythritol is almost as sweet astable sugar can be successfully added to coffee, tea or home baking. In turn, in the food industry, it can be used as a sweetener in the EU since 2006, and also in Poland since 2008. According to the regulation of the Minister of He alth, erythritol can be used as an additive, e.g. to:
- ice cream,
- jams,
- jellies,
- marmalade,
- candied fruit,
- various types of confectionery,
- chewing gum,
- mustard,
- sauces,
- dietary supplements.
It is important to know that in the United States and Southeast Asia, erythritol can also be used as a replacement for sweeteners indrinks and yoghurts , but the European Union has not approved this use sweetener.
Erythritol is a food additive with the numberE968.
By replacing traditional sweeteners with erythritol, the energy value of the products is lowered. For example, adding erythritol to chocolate lowers its calorific value by 34%, sponge cake - by 25%, and hard caramels - by as much as 90%.
Erythritol does not only have a sweetening function. It can also be used as, inter alia, aroma enhancer, a substance that prevents changes in the taste, consistency and color of the product, as well as in the thickening of the product.
Interestingly, erythritol can also be used in cosmetics, incl. as a replacement for glycerin (to protect cosmetics from deterioration). In turn, the chemical industry mainly uses derivatives to produce plastics, e.g. epoxy resins that are components of paints.
What to choose: erythritol or xylitol?
Erythritol is not the same as xylitol: although both substances have a sweetening effect, they taste slightly different, they also have slightly different properties. The glycemic index of erythritol is 0 while the glycemic index of xylitol is 8 - which is why many believe that erythritol should be the sweetener of choice for diabetics and people with insulin resistance.
These differences are small, however, and according to experts, both sweeteners are a suitable and safe substitute for white sugar - the choice depends only on the taste preferences of the person who will use them.
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