Several times a day, pricking a finger is traumatic for many diabetics. But slowly, new technologies allow for bloodless measurements. Be it from the earlobe, the sensor placed in the skin of the abdomen, or the sensor worn on the back of the arm. Work is also underway on other non-invasive "glucometers" that will allow the determination of glucose concentration in exhaled air, strongly or in tears. Check what are the non-invasive methods of measuring blood sugar and which of them are available in Poland.
Until recently, diabetics were only able to determine their blood glucose in one way - by pricking their finger and putting a drop of blood on a test strip inserted into the meter. Currently, people with diabetes can measure their blood glucose using an ear lobe, a sensor placed in the skin of the abdomen, or a sensor worn on the back of their arm. Work is also underway on other non-invasive blood glucose meters that will allow fornon-stick glucose measurement .
Measure the sugar level without pricking - laser
Soon it will be possible to measure the blood sugar level with a laser. How? Quantum cascade laser light passes through the skin and is partially absorbed by sugar molecules in the intercellular fluid. The sugar level can be determined by measuring the value of light absorption. The first version of the device has already tested it with an accuracy of 84%, and scientists will continue to improve it.
Other non-invasive "blood glucose meters" still under development include GlucoChip (designed to measure exhaled sugar), ClearPath (designed to measure sugar by scanning the eyeball), and iQuickIt Saliva (designed to measure sugar in the exhaled air). determine the concentration of glycaemia in the patient's saliva).
Non-invasive glucose measurement - Google lens
Google Corporation is testing a device that measures tear glucose using sensors placed in a special lens on the cornea of the eye. After taking the measurement, the result is to be transferred to a mobile device such as a smartphone. The lens is powered inductively from a small transmitter worn by the patient. Tear glucose levels are measured every second and correlate well with blood glucose levels.
Testing the sugar level without pricking - Symphony tCGM
Symphony tCGM (transdermal continuous glucosemonitor) allows you to measure sugar without blood using a biosensor glued directly to the skin in a place previously subjected to microabrasion treatment (mechanical removal of the 0.015 mm layer of the epidermis). Intra-tissue glucose is assessed and measurements are taken every 1 minute. The accuracy of the results in clinical trials was 98.9% compared to laboratory measurements. The sensor can be kept on the skin for a period of 12 hours.
Non-invasive blood glucose meter - GlucoDay® S
The key element here is the GlucoDay®S sensor, inserted subcutaneously into the abdominal area, and uses the microdialysis technique. The buffer solution flows around a fiber connected to a Walkman-sized device containing a glucose biosensor and pump at a flow of 10 µl / min. Glucose is exchanged through micropores on a part of the fiber placed subcutaneously. The dialysate is transferred to a biosensor in which the glucose oxidase reaction is used, and the glucose-dependent current is measured every 1 s. The average glucose value is recorded in the device memory every 3 minutes.
Non-stick sugar testing - GlucoTrack
At first glance, the device resembles a smartphone - it has a similar size, a touch screen and "headphones", which are actually a clip that is put on the earlobe. It is with the help of the clip that the transcutaneous blood glucose measurement is performed. For this purpose, three methods are used - ultrasonic, electromagnetic and thermal. The obtained data is then averaged and the final measurement result is displayed on the screen. One device can be used by up to three people - each one uses a separate clip. The clip must be replaced every three months.
Non-puncture glucometer - FreeStyle Libre
The FreeStyle Libre system consists of a small sensor (the size of a 5 PLN coin), worn on the back of the arm, and a reader. Every minute, the sensor measures the glucose concentration in the interstitial fluid with the help of a small (5 mm long and 0.4 mm diameter) microfilament inserted under the skin. To measure the sugar level, just bring the reader close to the sensor. This scan can even be done through clothing.
After the sensor is scanned, the reader will display your blood sugar level, a graph showing your blood glucose levels for the last 8 hours, and a trend arrow that indicates whether your glucose is rising, falling, or steady. It is enough to scan the sensor with a reader once every 8 hours to have a full picture of how our sugar level was shaped around the clock. The FreeStyle Libre Reader stores up to 90 days of data in memory, providing historical information on how blood sugar levels have developed in thistime. Data from the reader can be downloaded to a computer program.
There are 3 types of non-invasive "blood glucose meters" available in some European countries: GlucoTrack, GlucoDay S and Free Style Libre. In Poland, only the Free Style Libre system is available.
Main features of the FreeStyle Libre system:
- the sensor lasts 14 days and is waterproof
- automatically logs glucose readings around the clock. You can make any number of measurements by quick scan
- After the sensor is scanned, the reader will display your blood sugar level, a graph showing your glucose levels for the last 8 hours, and a trend arrow that shows whether your glucose is rising, falling, or stable
- the reader generates standard reports providing information, incl. o:
- average glucose concentration at different times of the day - number of hypoglycemic events - time in target range
The FreeStyle Libre system also provides people with diabetes and their physicians information on the Outpatient Glucose Profile (AGP). This is a graph that reflects their typical day and shows information about blood sugar levels that are too low (hypoglycemia) and blood sugar levels that are too high (hyperglycemia). This allows for a better understanding of how the sugar level is shaped during the day and provides tips on how to modify your diet or treatment.
Worth knowingFreeStyle Libre system - what is the price? Where can you buy?
Abbott's FreeStyle Libre system can be purchased at The cost of the reader covered by a two-year warranty (with the possibility of extension to 3 years) is PLN 255. The cost of the sensor, which needs to be replaced every 2 weeks, is also PLN 255. The FreeStyle Libre system is not reimbursed by the National He alth Fund.
The article uses press materials from the Abbott company.