Caring for the bedridden patient is not only about caring for his toilet and that he has enough to eat. We also need to support the mentally ill and watch over his he alth.

Bedriddena person must feel our closeness. Let's not limit ourselves to turning on the TV, which will be a substitute for contact with the surrounding world.You have to talk to the sick person , although it is not always easy. You should tell him about everyday events, read the newspaper, even confide in the troubles of everyday life. Of course, it also happens that due to the lack of awareness, there is no contact with the sick person, but this does not mean that we should treat him as an object. A person who knows that he is needed is in a better mood and heals faster. It doesn't just feel like a burden, even if it requires constant care.

Bedridden must feel safe

Not every personchronically illhas to be under our care all the time. However, when we leave the house, leave the phone and a card with the most important numbers within reach of the sick person, e.g. to the emergency room. If we have friendly neighbors, let's tell them we're going out and give them the keys. It is good if there is a cup with a drink by the bed or armchair (it is best to use cups with a spout, so-called non-spills) so that the patient can quench his thirst. People who are bedridden or unconscious should never be left unattended at home. If we have important matters to attend to, let a family member or other friend to be on duty with the sick person.

Observation of the he alth of the bedridden patient

Seriously ill people may not have the strength to talk about their ailments. Therefore, it is up to the caregiver to monitor whether the general state of he alth is stable or whether there are new, disturbing symptoms. It is worth paying attention to whether the patient is sleeping well, does not suffer from pain, if there are no swelling or pain in the legs, which may indicate a failure of the circulatory system. In people after accidents or orthopedic surgeries (e.g. hip replacement), it is necessary to ensure that drugs are administered to prevent the formation of blood clots. Hearing impaired people should be equipped with a hearing aid. Likewise, when a patient's eyesight becomes impaired, glasses must be selected. Unfortunately, a specialist visit at home can only be booked privately.

monthly "Zdrowie"
