Sometimes you experience various ailments, but do not associate them with elevated sugar levels. See what symptoms can lead to diabetes. Do you suffer from obesity, your hair falls out, do you have visual disturbances and mood changes? It could be diabetes.
In the diagnosis of diabetes, theblood sugar level is . But not only this can be evidence of disease progression.Diabeteslikes to hide, has many symptoms that are difficult to immediately associate with this disease. Here are some of the effects of a glucose management disorderglucose .
Diabetes symptoms: mood changes
A common symptom that should make you suspect you may have diabetes is difficult to explain, constant physical and mental fatigue, and general weakness. The attention must be paid to unjustified changes in mood and attitude to life tasks, and finally depression. Of course, not all emotions in a person with diabetes are related to impaired glucose combustion. Depression or explosiveness may have a different source. However, these are the earliest and most common symptoms - so despite the many possibilities, they should also be diagnosed for this disease.
Diabetes symptoms: itchy skin
Diabetes symptoms include skin ailments such as itching - especially in the genital area, and frequent boils. People suffering from diabetes more often than he althy people also have mycosis of the skin of the feet. The disease usually also spreads to the nails.
Diabetes symptoms: hair loss
It usually occurs in people who have decompensated diabetes. Alopecia associated with this disease is when more hair goes into a dormant or resting phase than in he althy people. Hair loss can occur many years before diabetes is diagnosed. The hair usually becomes thinner around the top of the head. With the right dose of insulin, hair loss is slightly inhibited.
Diabetes symptoms: blurry image
An early symptom of developing diabetes may be difficult to explain conjunctiva hyperemia and visual disturbances associated with microdamage of capillaries in the retina of the eye (diabetic retinopathy often becomes apparent only after 15 years of the disease). When glucosepenetrates the eye lens, its shape changes, which blur the sharpness of vision. This ailment slowly disappears after the initiation of antidiabetic treatment. The disease sometimes increases for several years and it is impossible to recognize it without specialist ophthalmic examinations.
Diabetes symptoms: changes in the kidneys
Initially, slight damage to the kidney vessels is overlooked by the patient, but it is dangerous. Along with urine, albumin and other proteins important for the functioning of the body are washed out from the body. But tangible symptoms of nephropathy may not develop until 10 years with the disease going on.
Diabetes symptoms: obesity
It can be said without hesitation that obesity is closely related to diabetes - excess body weight promotes type 2 diabetes. Both are diseases that arise as a result of improper nutrition.
Diabetes symptoms: gum disease
Diabetes may also be suspected of rapidly progressing diseases of the gums and mouth, and difficulties in their effective treatment. The patients develop periodontal abscesses, thrush or oral yeast infections. With the exclusion of recently used immunosuppressants, antibiotics, etc., the ailments may be considered as hidden symptoms of diabetes.
Diabetes symptoms: taste disturbance
May signal diabetic changes. They are usually the result of an undiagnosed diabetic neuropathy. Although peripheral nerve dysfunction in diabetes is quite rare, it can manifest as a burning sensation of the tongue or the entire mouth. You may also experience unnatural dryness of the tongue. The appearance of small cracks on it indicates elevated blood sugar levels.
Diabetes symptoms: nerves upset
Each stage of diabetes development can turn against the nervous system. You often feel it as numbness, burning, burning, numbness in the skin, especially in the fingers and toes, increasing calf muscle cramps (at night) or muscle paresis or paralysis, paresis of one of the nerves.
Diabetes symptoms: vaginal infections
Diabetes, when it attacks ladies, likes to hide in the form of gynecological diseases. This can be, for example, bacterial vaginosis, itching, mycosis or menstrual disorders. Having ruled out the possibility that this is a complication of antibiotic treatment, the doctor should consider latent diabetes and test blood glucose levels. A gynecologist whose patient has further pregnancies may have similar suspicions. Recurrent cystitis may also be a specific symptom of diabetes.
Diabetes symptoms: badly healing wounds
Too highDue to blood sugar levels, a simple scratch can take a long time to heal. When the disease is more advanced, it damages the nerves. This is diabetic polyneuropathy, which is a constant tingling sensation in the feet or loss of feeling. In such a situation, the skin of the feet requires special care and attention so that it does not get hurt.
Diabetes symptoms: erectile dysfunction
In men, impotence due to incomplete erection of the penis should attract attention. It may appear after years of undiagnosed disease as damage to the innervation of the corpora cavernosa of the penis, but it may also be one of the first symptoms of diabetes.
Diabetes symptoms: bad breath
If your breath smells like fresh apples, you may have diabetes. It also happens when the disease is not treated properly. The first test you should do is to check your blood glucose level, and the presence of sugar and acetone in your urine. If the results show this, you must see a doctor immediately. Sugar and acetone in the urine appear in significant diabetic disorders that require treatment in a hospital.
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