Psoriasis of the skin may appear after angina, chicken pox, or cystitis. Psoriasis is not contagious, but its causes are not fully known. Therefore, it is worth knowing what supports the treatment of psoriasis and how to effectively fight its symptoms.
In winter, symptoms of psoriasisusually get worse. But the right lifestyle and the rightcarecan prevent this from happening. How to fightskin psoriasisand what to do to make the skin feel better?
First of all
Proper hygiene is the most important thing. Meanwhile, among the sick people there is a belief that water exacerbates the course of the disease. It's not true! It is true that water dries up, but this also applies to he althy skin. Therefore, it is better to take a shower - then the contact with water is shorter. You can also bathe in the bathtub, but you need to add moisturizing preparations for sensitive skin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Some people find it helpful to take baths with
Dead Sea s alt. Use gentle lotions for sensitive skin instead of regular soap. Avoid artificially colored and flavored cosmetics. Do not wash with a sponge and do not use peelings, as it does not irritate the skin.
Oil your skin as often as possible. Necessarily after bathing, when it is fluffed and moist - then it absorbs the cosmetic better. Use preparations intended for sick skin. Protect yourself from scratches, abrasions and cuts - new lesions may appear in injured areas. Do not scratch the eruptions or remove the exfoliated epidermis, as this may cause bacterial infection. Avoid alcohol-based cosmetics, choose hypoallergenic liquid deodorants, apply perfumes on clothes, not on the skin.
For the immune system to function properly, you need to supply it with all the vitamins and minerals. Their treasury is vegetables and fruits, so add them to each meal. Citrus, dark grapes, carrots, garlic, lettuce are indicated. Replace animal fats with vegetable fats. Eat fish, seafood, oils - they contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D to alleviate discomfort. Processed foods, cold cuts and pork, offal, chocolate, coffee, legumes, spicy spices (mostly vinegar) can exacerbate the symptoms of the disease, so avoid them in your daily diet.
Walk a lot (4-5 times a week for at least half an hour) - this is the easiest way to harden your body. It is best to go to the park, because the substances contained in the exhaust fumes can irritate the sick skin. Dress appropriately for the weather - a cold and overheating body can exacerbate symptoms.
Reasonable sunbathing with the use of creams with a UV filter has a healing effect, so stay in the sun as much as possible. Do not sunbathe with PUVA lamps (it is easy to burn yourself). Take advantage of sea and sulfur baths. Climate treatment helps. Sanatoriums in Busko-Zdrój, Lądek-Zdrój and Iwonicz-Zdrój specialize in this.
Control your stress. Long-term secretion of cortisol can lead to an increase in the activity of inflammatory cells, exacerbating skin disease. Try yoga, meditation, or some other relaxation technique to calm down. Learn to think positively about the disease, treat it as a skin condition that requires special treatments. Accept yourself, remember - chronic stress is bad for you. Do not isolate yourself from people - the immune system of social people works at 20%. better than recluse.
Get a he althy sleep (7-8 hours). Falling at night disrupts the functioning of the body's defense system and increases inflammation of the skin. Avoid air-conditioned rooms, use an air humidifier or put a wet towel on a hot radiator. At night, turn down the radiator and sleep with the window open. Dry air irritates the skin.
Defend yourself against infections. Take care of your teeth, get a flu shot, and when you feel like something is taking you, jump right under the covers without waiting for a minor cold to develop into bronchitis. Treat every infection quickly, as it may aggravate the symptoms of psoriasis or provoke another relapse.
Wear comfortable clothes. Preferably made of cotton or delicate, breathable fabrics. Avoid wearing clothes made of wool or raw linen on your naked body. Rubbing the skin promotes the build-up of scales.
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