Hypophosphatemia is a phosphorus deficiency in the body. This is a dangerous condition that can lead to death. They are exposed to phosphorus deficiency in the body, among others malnourished people. What are the causes and symptoms of hypophosphatemia? What is its treatment?
Hypophosphatemiais a decrease in the concentration of phosphorus (specifically inorganic phosphorus, otherwise: inorganic phosphates) in the blood serum below 2.5 mg / dl (0.8 mmol / l), and in severe form less than 1 mg / dl (0.32 mmol / l). Severe hypophosphatemia causes a 4-fold increase in mortality.
Phosphorus in the human body occurs in the form of organic and inorganic compounds. Along with calcium, it is the main component of bones and is responsible for keeping them he althy. It is in them that the greatest amount of phosphorus is stored, and to a lesser extent in muscles and other tissues. phosphorus is also involved in the construction of cell membranes, glucose metabolism and the regulation of the acid-base balance.
Hypophosphatemia (phosphorus deficiency) - causes
- reduced supply of inorganic phosphates with foods due to:
- malnutrition - use of a low-protein diet (e.g. in alcoholics) - use of parenteral nutrition / fluid infusion without taking into account phosphates
- decreased absorption of phosphates from the gastrointestinal tract due to:
- taking drugs that bind phosphate in the digestive tract - calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, sevelamer, lanthanum carbonate - persistent vomiting or diarrhea
- refeeding syndrome
- ketoacidosis treatment
- cancer
- respiratory alkalosis
- hungry bone team
- hypophosphatemic rickets - belongs to the group of rare diseases called vitamin D-resistant rickets, caused by disturbances in the phosphate metabolism. There are the following types of hypophosphatemic rickets:
- autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) - X-linked hypophosphatemia (familial hypophosphatemic rickets)
- excess glucocorticosteroids
- taking diuretics
- hyperparathyroidism
- vitamin D deficiency
- metabolic acidosis
Hypophosphatemia (phosphorus deficiency) - symptoms
Hypophosphataemia can lead to rhabdomyolysis, which is the breakdown of muscles. Then symptoms such as:
- muscle weakness
- muscle pain (myalgia)
- muscle swelling
- gentle increase in muscle tone
- muscle spasms
The disease affects all muscles, including the respiratory muscles (which results in respiratory failure) and the heart, which results in circulatory problems, e.g. arrhythmia.
Phosphorus deficiency symptoms

The symptoms of hypophosphatemia mainly affect the muscles and the nervous system.
Another effect of hypophosphatemia is osteomalacia (softening of the bones), which symptoms include:
- increased bone sensitivity to pressure stimuli
- bone pain
- gait disturbance - the so-called "Duckling Walk", during which the patient sways from one side to the other
Hypophosphatemia can also cause neurological disorders
- electrocution
- paresthesias
- disturbance of consciousness
- confusion
- convulsions
Accompanying symptoms may be gastrointestinal disorders - nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.
Hypophosphatemia (phosphorus deficiency) - diagnosis
Blood and urine tests are performed to determine the phosphate concentration.
Hypophosphatemia (phosphorus deficiency) - treatment
Treatment is to remove the causes of hypophosphatemia (if possible) and increase the amount of phosphate in the diet (milk, dairy products, meat, beans). Intravenous phosphate supplementation is used in severe hypophosphatemia.