It's not about sweating in the gym, running marathons, or climbing rocks. The point is, just keep moving every day! Especially when you have diabetes. Movement will allow you to better control the disease and prevent its complications. What is physical activity and how to be active every day are suggested by the members of the Association Active with Diabetes .
Physical activityis the amount of exercise and exercise in any form that allows the body to develop and stay he althy. It is movement that makes all processes run properly in the body.
Did you know that when you move it:- the heart works faster increasing the blood flow in the body,
- the respiratory system works more efficiently, thanks to which the blood is more oxygenated,
- muscle cells absorb oxygen better and are more able to exercise more,
- muscles, tendons and ligaments are more flexible and less prone to injury,
- excess body fat is reduced faster - you lose weight!
- the body cleans itself of harmful substances faster.
The optimal amount of traffic is:
For adults - about 150 minutes a day, and for children - about 60 minutes a day, the so-called moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or other activities that make you feel slightly out of breath. Remember - even the least intense activities promote he alth more than staying still. If you get up every hour during 8 hours of office work and walk at a normal pace for 5 minutes, you will burn 60 to 130 calories.
Active with Diabetes advise - a move for a diabetic is:
Physical activity is important in everyone's life and diabetics are no exception. With type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent), which affects young people more often, the possibility of playing sports is a reward for good self-control and consistent and thoughtful insulin therapy. In people with type 2 diabetes, physical activity is treated on an equal footing with pharmacological treatment. Therefore, for "well-run" patients with "one", physical activity is a bonus that increases the comfort of their life, and for "binary people", who constitute about 80% of all diabetics, exercise is something that living in good he alth, not so much it enables what it can as wellextend.
The forms of physical activity are:- daily motor activities - e.g. walking, getting up, sitting down,
- daily home activities - e.g. cleaning, mopping, sweeping
- professional activity, i.e. activities performed at the workplace,
- physical activity in free time - e.g. exercise in a gym, gym, fitness club, swimming pool and tourist activities, e.g. hiking, biking, Nordic walking, jogging,
- doing sports - amateur or professional.

Active with Diabetes advises - the best move for a diabetic is:
For a diabetic patient, any form of physical activity is beneficial. There is no activity that a diabetic must not do. However, there are sports disciplines that require prolonged effort, which may make it difficult to control glycaemia, i.e. the level of glucose in the body. Therefore, if you have diabetes and you decide to practice some sport - first consult a doctor who will tell you how to do it, so as not to worsen your he alth.
Movement prevents serious cardiovascular complications because:
Research shows that the risk of cardiovascular complications, including the most dangerous ones, i.e. myocardial infarction and stroke, is twice as high in diabetics as in he althy subjects. It is assumed that such complications can shorten the life of a diabetic by as much as 12 years!
Providing the body with the right dose of exercise is extremely important for everyone. Nowadays, much of the physical work is done by devices for us, and we don't have to spend so much effort on "hunting" or getting food. When going for a daily walk, it is worth remembering that physical activity strengthens the body and immunity, as well as the heart and blood vessels, and in people with diabetes it reduces insulin resistance and increases insulin sensitivity.
Statistics alert - every 6 seconds, 1 person dies due to diabetes complications!
Active with Diabetes advises - how to be active on a daily basis:
First of all, don't avoid the usual jobs you do every day. Instead of taking the elevator - go up the stairs. Park the car further away from the house to get your muscles moving during a short walk before you get in. Ba! Even cooking a dinner on your own requires invigorating effort for the body. You want more? Start with simple and short activities, then gradually increase the load. Do you like walking Start with half an hour, then increase to 1, 2, or even 3 hours. Do you want to run?Start with the alleys in a nearby park, then a few kilometers in the forest, and finally - if you want - you can even start a marathon! If you don't know where to start - check out the Active with Diabetes fanpage on Facebook, write a message, join the discussion group - we will definitely help you find a solution!

The Association of Active with Diabetes is ateam of amateur athletes consisting of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes who focus on personal, professional and sports development. "Active" show their own ways of living with diabetes and inspire others to change. They conduct workshops, educational campaigns, publish publications - they prove that the disease does not have to interfere with the realization of life passions. Members of the Active Team with Cukrzyca participated in dozens of marathons and triathlons, including the Ironman distance (3800 m of swimming, 180 km of cycling, 42.2 km of run). They start in Poland and abroad. They believe that nothing is impossible - also for a diabetic!

The articlewas created as part of thenationwide educational campaignen titled"Living longer with diabetes",which aims to raisediabetes awareness- including type 2 diabetes and the risks associated with this disease, with particular taking into accountcardiovascular complications . The campaign is organized by Boehringer Ingelheim, and the partners are: Association Active with Diabetes, Polish Diabetes Association and the portal.