When you are pregnant, especially when you are more advanced than ever, you may sweat more than ever. How to deal with excessive sweating?

The facts are: we all have to sweat, because it is one of the main stages of the processthermoregulation(this process ensures thatbody temperature is maintainedat an optimal level, regardless of the ambient temperature).Potis secreted by glands that are spread over the entire surface of the skin, the number of which exceeds 4 million. They usually produce 700-900 ml of sweat a day, but sometimes, such as during physical exertion or high ambient temperature, its amount can increase up to two liters.

Sweat protects against overheating of the body

Such intense sweating then protects us from overheating. But sweaty hands, face, skin under the breasts or in the groin, sweat running down the face or damp hair are the norm for many mothers-to-be, regardless of the season and the prevailing temperature. Under the influence of hormones, the sweat glands work more efficiently, and because of higher body weight, pregnant women tire faster, and therefore sweat more intensively.

Stress and sweating

The reason for excessive sweating, also during pregnancy, is stress - the stimulation of the nervous system has a negative impact on the work of the sweat glands. "Pregnancy sweating" is normal, but in some cases it can be dangerous, because excessive water loss can lead to a reduction in the amount of electrolytes necessary for the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, which are also responsible for the distribution of water in the tissues. So if you sweat a lot, you should drink more to prevent dehydration. Besides, excessive sweating can cause skin problems. The epidermis, under the influence of large amounts of sweat, is still moist, which disturbs its protective layer. The skin is easier to dry then.

How to deal with excessive sweating?

Smell of sweat

And that smell! Although sweat itself does not smell, bacteria live on the skin and feed on its ingredients - by breaking down sweat into prime factors, it begins to smell unpleasant. How to defend yourself? There are several methods of fighting excessive sweating, but not all of them can be used during pregnancy.

What can you do to feel fresh?

  • Ventilate your apartment often so you don'tit was too warm in it.
  • Take a shower several times a day, using preparations that inhibit the activity of the sweat glands to wash your skin (they are mainly sold in pharmacies).
  • Use antiperspirants.
  • Unlike ordinary deodorants, antiperspirants temporarily inhibit the work of sweat glands (this is how ethanol works, for example) or close the outlet of sweat ducts (aluminum s alts have this effect). A good antiperspirant works around the clock. During pregnancy, those without alcohol are better, as it can dry out and irritate the skin.
  • Wear airy clothes made of natural fabrics - linen, cotton. Avoid clothing made of synthetic fibers that are impermeable to air.
  • Also, don't wear extra layers of clothing to hide stains on your back or armpits - you'll sweat even more.
  • Avoid coffee and spicy, highly spiced foods. Do not eat hot dishes, do not drink hot drinks. All of this can increase sweating.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations, learn to relax (techniques used, for example, in yoga, the descriptions of which can be found, for example, at www.joga-joga.pl)
  • You can buy herbal teas and anti-perspirant preparations in pharmacies. Before you reach for them, however, make sure that they can be used during pregnancy, and it is best to consult your doctor about it.

Always dry

Excessive sweating most often disappears after the puerperium period. If this does not happen, it is worth visiting a specialist - severe sweating may be a symptom of certain diseases, e.g. diabetes or hyperthyroidism. Your doctor will decide what to do next. If the cause is not a disease, a specialist may recommend botulinum toxin therapy. Injecting the preparation into particularly sweating areas blocks the activity of nerves that reach the sweat glands - this in turn prevents sweat secretion.

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