Treatment of psoriasis is not easy as skin lesions recur, especially after exposure to factors such as infections, alcohol or stress. Psoriasis is a dermatological disease that significantly reduces the quality of life of many patients. How can we support the treatment of psoriasis and what should the skin care of patients with psoriasis look like?
Psoriasisis a chronic inflammatory disease thataffects up to 2-4% of the population . The disease most often appears between the ages of 20 and 40, although it can occur in both children and the elderly. Skin lesions typical of psoriasis are papules that take a red-brown color and are well separated from the environment, i.e. from he althy, unchanged skin.
What is psoriasis like?
Psoriasis is characterized by the formation of skin lesions. Psoriatic papules are typically located:
- in the area of the extension of the elbow,
- in the area of the extension of the knees,
- on the scalp,
- in the area of the sacrum,
- in the buttocks area.
Skin lesions in the form of lumps may merge with each other, and what is more - they are often covered with scaly scales, which is the source of the name of this disease.
In the most severe cases, skin lesions cover up to 90-100% of the skin , which is called erythrodemia. A specialist doctor - a dermatologist deals with the treatment of psoriasis. It is this doctor that you should report to when you suspect you have psoriasis.
How does lifestyle affect the course of psoriasis?
The lifestyle we lead has a huge impact on the course of many chronic diseases, including psoriasis. How do stimulants affect the course of this disease? What should we avoid and what he althy habits should be introduced into our lives? It's worth finding out more about this important topic.
Psoriasis and diet - what is worth eating and what to avoid?
Patients often wonder what diet is recommended for people suffering from psoriasis. As shown by scientific reports, obesity is a risk factor for the development and more severe course of psoriasis.
The link between obesity and psoriasis is that fat cells (or adipocytes) produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, which increases inflammation and inflammation.leads to the deterioration of the clinical course of the disease.
Therefore, avoid consuming high-calorie and highly processed foods that promote weight gain.
What's more, it is worth introducing to your diet products that have a beneficial effect on reducing inflammatory processes.
These products include, but are not limited to:
- vegetables and fruits- best eaten unprocessed. These products contain large amounts of vitamins, beta-carotene and flavonoids, substances that reduce oxidative stress. They are the so-called scavengers of free radicals, thanks to which they reduce inflammation.
- nuts, seeds, olive oil, fatty fish(such as mackerel, herring, and tuna) - these products contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease - they reduce the severity of skin lesions. Moreover, the inhabitants of Greenland, who consume large amounts of oily fish, suffer significantly less from psoriasis. This is another argument confirming the beneficial effect of a diet with a high content of omega-3 acids on the course of psoriasis.
Psoriasis and physical activity
Physical activity is another element of a he althy lifestyle that people suffering from psoriasis should remember. Physical activity allows you to lose weight. Clinical studies show thatweight loss by even a few kilograms reduces the clinical symptoms of psoriasis .
Moreover, physical activity has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It reduces the risk of developing hypertension and lowers cholesterol levels.
This is especially important in psoriasis as it is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Psoriasis and cigarette smoking
You should be aware that cigarette smoking is one of the risk factors for the development of psoriasis. This means that smoking is conducive to the emergence of this condition.
Furthermore,smoking may make the disease more severe . However, research shows that smoking cessation was not associated with clinical improvement in patients suffering from this dermatosis.
Despite some ambiguities, tobacco promotes the appearance of psoriasis. Therefore, having a family predisposition for its development, it is worth avoiding this dangerous stimulant.
Psoriasis and alcohol
Alcohol consumption is another factor exacerbating the clinical course of psoriasis . This is due to the fact that alcohol increases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Thus, inflammation increases, which worsens the condition of the skin. When suffering from psoriasis, it is worth avoiding alcohol. Even small amounts of it can cause skin changes to recur.
Psoriasis and infections
Another factor that worsens the skin condition in the course of psoriasis isinfections . It is often the case that the spread of psoriasis lesions is preceded by a common infection, e.g. angina, caused by bacteria (streptococci).
The source of infectious agents that exacerbate the course of the disease can also be:
- broken teeth,
- urogenital infections,
- as well as chronic sinusitis.
When suffering from this disease, it is worth remembering about proper treatment of infections and regular visits to the dentist.
Psoriasis and stress
Another factor that predisposes to worsening of the course of the disease and recurrence of symptoms is stress.Strong emotions and experiences also contribute to the disclosure of the disease .
Although avoiding stressors nowadays can be a real challenge, it is worth trying to lead a balanced lifestyle.
Physical activity not only promotes weight loss, but also allows you to release emotions, which is an extremely beneficial phenomenon that will facilitate the treatment of psoriasis.
When experiencing emotional crises, it is worth using the help of a psychologist who will suggest which methods of coping with stress will be the best in our case.
Patients with psoriasis are at risk of developing psychological and psychiatric disorders. Depression is more common. This is due to, among other things, complexes related to the condition of the skin and the belief in social rejection.
Society still knows too little about this disease. Some still believe psoriasis can be caught (which is of course a myth).
If you experience symptoms of depression, such as, for example, low mood or disturbances in everyday functioning, it is definitely worth using the help of a psychiatrist.
Psoriasis - psoriasis skin care
Treatment of psoriasis should be supplemented byproper skin carey. It is recommended to use emollients, i.e. moisturizing preparations that keep the skin properly moisturized.
Emollients have a protective effect as they allow the skin's lipid coat to regenerate. It is worth remembering about choosing dermocosmetics intended for psoriatic skin. Preparations popular in drugstores contain compoundschemicals that can irritate the skin.
In conclusion, the treatment of psoriasis is becoming more modern and effective, but one should remember about the importance of lifestyle.Avoiding stimulants and stress, maintaining a he althy body weight and being physically active allows you to achieve better therapy results . It is worth being aware that this applies to every disease, not only dermatological diseases.
- Psoriasis: causes, symptoms, treatment
- Pustular psoriasis: causes, symptoms, treatment