Cherries are among the most valuable fruits. They have a positive effect on our he alth and appearance, and even help to heal some ailments, e.g. arthritis. A serving of cherries also provides a large dose of iodine, necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. The season for cherries is short, so we should take advantage of their beneficial properties.
Cherriesandcherrieshave many advantages -he alth benefitsof these fruits are difficult to overestimate . Although cherries are 80 percent water, the remaining 20 percent are filled withvitaminsandminerals . Only 100 g contains as much as 222 mg of potassium, which removes excess s alt from the body and therefore has a beneficial effect on the heart, kidneys and joints. There are also B vitamins in cherries, especially vitamin B5, supporting the treatment of arthritis. A large amount of fruit acids along with vitamins A and C has a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the body, and at the same time improves the condition and appearance of the skin. Thanks to the presence of bioflavonoids, cherries, especially red cherries, are classified as great antioxidants that fight free radicals. A serving of cherries also provides us with calcium, iron and a large dose of iodine (330 mg in 100 g), which these tasty fruits have more than cod and many other sea fish! Iodine increases the production of thyroid hormones, incl. regulating metabolism.
For arthritis - cherries
The French are the biggest admirers of cherries. When the season comes, they can eat up to 2 kg per head per day. In France, for centuries, they have competed in creating the most perfect varieties of cherry trees. Gallic ancestors were the first to discover the healing power of the fruit in the fight against arthritis and bladder disease. These observations are confirmed by modern science - arthritis usually affects people with vitamin B5 deficiency, which cherries are able to supplement. That is why they are recommended for people suffering from swelling and deformities of the joints. Cherries should also be eaten by he althy people, because thanks to this they have a chance to avoid arthritis. It is enough to eat about half a kilogram of cherries every day throughout the season, preferably replacing one of your meals.
ImportantIn sweet cherries, we sometimes come across larvae of the Tarniot seed fly. They are not inearly varieties from the beginning of June and in large-fruit varieties from the turn of July and August. Then the "worms" come out of the fruit to bury themselves in the ground. They appear in yellow and red cherries ripening in July. To get rid of them, you can pour cold water on the fruit for a few minutes - the larvae will come out of them and sink to the bottom of the vessel.
Cherries protect the heart
Cherries also have healing properties. They contain simple sugars and pectins, manganese and more fruit acids, but less iodine, calcium and iron. They are less caloric than cherries: in 100 g of sweet cherries there is 63 kcal, and in 100 g of cherries - 50 kcal. Cherries are anti-inflammatory, incl. they prevent arteritis, i.e. they protect the circulatory system against diseases, and thus - the heart. It is also loud about the anti-cancer properties of cherries. The substances contained in them inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Flowers, petioles and the bark of cherries have many advantages
Unique benefits were also found in the leaves, petioles and bark of cherry and cherry trees. The infusion of dried cherry blossoms has long been valued in folk medicine.

Cherry blossoms brewed with dandelion, couch grass, mint and St. John's wort improve metabolism, help regulate blood sugar and remove toxins from the body.
It is used as a diaphoretic in pneumonia and as an adjunct in the treatment of conjunctivitis. You need to dip the cotton balls in lukewarm liquid and put them on the eyelids several times a day for 10 minutes. Cherry and cherries stalks are full of tannins, volatile oils, organic acids and tannins. Thanks to these substances, the decoction of the petioles is a natural slimming agent and prevents swelling. Calming and sleeping teas are made from the wood and bark of the cherry tree, after drying and pulverizing. And the decoction of young cherry tree branches - washed down during the day and added to the bath - helps soothe rheumatic pains.
Don't do that- If you suffer from digestive ailments, such as irritable bowel syndrome, you should not eat raw cherries, only slightly cooked. As a result, they are easier to digest and retain most of the valuable nutrients.
- Cherries should not be washed down with cold water, as this may cause diarrhea.
- Also, do not eat fruit immediately before a meat meal, as it will make it difficult to digest the protein contained in the meat.
Cherries preparations
Cherries are suitable for juices, compotes, preserves, jams, wine, liqueurs or liqueurs. In the form of preserves, they retain their healing properties. Before putting the fruit in the jarlet's remove the seeds, because they contain cyan compounds (e.g. poisonous prussian acid) that can cause migraines. For compotes and frozen meals, the best fruit is large (panda, Volyn and Łutówka varieties), and the most aromatic and nutritious juices are made from the Serock variety. Until recently, only compotes and tinctures were made from cherries. However, there are more varieties that are suitable for winter preserves. The best cherries are yellow and hard, e.g. large pink, kunze or Spanish white.
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