A diet for hyperparathyroidism is a diet that assumes an adequate intake of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D. Hyperparathyroidism is a situation when the parathyroid glands produce too much of a hormone called parathyroid hormone, which, together with calcitonin - a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland and vitamin D3 has a major impact on the regulation of the level of this element: the uptake of calcium from food, storage and possible excretion.
Diet in hyperparathyroidismis a diet that assumes adequate intake of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D. Hyperparathyroidism is a situation when improperly functioning endocrine glands - parathyroid glands - somehow excessively perform their function - they produce too much of a hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH for short), which, along with calcitonin - a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland and vitamin D3- has a major impact on regulating the level of this element: calcium intake from food, storage and possible excretion.
PTH causes increased absorption of calcium compounds from the consumed food, inhibits its excretion by the kidneys in the urine and causes its release from bones, which are its largest component. Hyperparathyroidism means overproduction of parathyroid hormone, which in turn increases the level of calcium in the blood, i.e. hypercalcemia.
Diet in hyperparathyroidism
In hyperparathyroidism, bone decalcification occurs, and the concentration of calcium and phosphate in the plasma increases. Poorly soluble calcium s alts, forming saturated solutions even at low concentrations in the urine, are the cause of the development of kidney stones. Therefore:
- phosphorus intake should be limited to 800-1000 mg / day. This can be achieved primarily by limiting dietary protein intake, as 1 g of protein provides about 12-16 mg of phosphorus
Table of phosphorus-rich foods to limit:
Dairy products | milk, yellow and processed cheeses, ice cream, yoghurts |
Meat and fish | offal (liver, kidney), small fish eaten with bones |
Vegetables | legumes (beans, peas, soybeans) |
Grain products | whole grain products (groats, wholemeal bread) |
Other | eggs, nuts, almonds, chocolate, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, mushrooms, sesame |
- it is important to supplement vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D can be found primarily in marine fish, liver and vegetable oils
- You also need to drink plenty of water to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
- increasing physical activity is also recommended to maintain bone mineralization
For this to be effective, you need to work with a nutritionist trained in kidney disease.