Treatment of malignant neoplasms is still a challenge for medicine, scientists are constantly looking for new, more effective cancer therapies. As a supplement to traditional methods in oncology, the following are used, inter alia, natural preparations with extracts of herbs and some mushrooms (shitake or reishi). We talk to Dr. n. med. Norbert Szaluś, specializing in isotopic cancer treatment.
Are there " herbs for cancer "? What is the role ofimmunotherapyin the fight against cancer, i.e. stimulating the immune system to fight the disease? Canphytotherapy( herbal medicine ) help in the treatment of cancer? We talk about all this with Dr. Norbert Szaluś, MD, PhD, who cooperates with the Wilcaccora Herbal Medicine Center in Łomianki (
- Cancer is a disease of the whole organism?
Norbert Szaluś, MD, PhD : Yes. The more that malignant tumors are prone to metastasize, also to other organs of the body. But even when the cancer affects only a specific organ, we cannot say that it is just an isolated disease of one organ. We should treat the human body holistic as a whole, not the sum of independent organs. A disease of one organ affects the functioning of the entire body.
- Science is unable to clearly identify the causes of this disease.
N.S .: There are several reasons why. The genetic factor determines a small percentage of cases here. For the uprising about 70 percent. tumors are affected by harmful environmental factors and bad habits. So it is important how polluted place we live and how we "conduct ourselves". Do we smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol or live under chronic stress, what do we eat? Diet is of fundamental importance here.
- What foods can prevent cancer?
N.S .: A balanced diet, rich in vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, e.g. polyphenols, glucans. Composed of a large amount of vegetables, seafood and sea fish, low in animal fats and red meat. It is also important not to be overweight. They say we are what we eat. Food can harm but also heal, providing the body with good quality "fuel". Many diseases are preventable or even preventableheal by changing your diet. A proper diet along with physical exercise has a decisive influence on the efficiency of our immune system.
- A he althy immune system means the ability to self-regulate the body without the support of pharmacological agents?
N.S .: The human body is equipped with self-healing mechanisms, otherwise we would be constantly ill with our daily contact with various pathogens. I work professionally with Japanese. From their point of view, one of the most important human systems is the immune (immune) system. The local medicine focuses primarily on prevention, preventing the development of the disease. In this country, there is even an administrative obesity pen alty and a government's compulsory overweight program. The East is at the forefront in the scientific study of human immunity. The United States is also making it to the top.
- In oncology, surgical methods, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are considered the most effective. However, the side effects of the latter two significantly destroy the body.
N.S .: Surgery for tumors is proven, because if we remove the tumor, the tumor is gone. With chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the matter is more complex. Cancer has many faces. Each case gives a different picture of the disease. Therefore, an individual approach to each patient should be the norm.
- As one of the few Polish doctors, you supplement conventional methods with immunotherapy. What is it?
N.S .: On an attempt to stimulate the immune system to fight cancer cells. The preparations I recommend, which are completely non-toxic themselves, alleviate side effects and reduce the undesirable effects of conventional therapies. I have worked with various treatment regimens depending on the specific patient, on the tolerance of his body.
- What origin are the preparations recommended by you?
N.S .: Natural, plant-based, all clinically tested and approved for sale. In fact, 70 percent of cancer drugs come from the plant or animal world. Phytotherapy itself has long ceased to be associated with alternative medicine, and in the Far East and some Western countries it has become a part of academic medicine. Research shows that the introduction of natural therapies during, for example, chemotherapy increases its effectiveness, depending on the preparations, by about 70 percent, mainly reducing side effects.
- The richest "pharmacy" in nature is probably outside Europe?
NS: Yes. The most valuable plantscome from Asia and South America. In Poland, research is being carried out on the AHCC extract, which is produced from the shitake mushroom from Japan. The action of the extract is based mainly on the polysaccharide compound α-glucan. AHCC reduces high blood pressure, but not only that. Scientists from the University of Tokyo discovered its effect on stimulating the immune system. This preparation is already widely used in the world in complementary anti-cancer therapies. Reishi mushroom has similar properties. It contains 400 active biological compounds. It is used in cases of brain damage, chronic liver damage, hypercholesterolaemia, etc. It also has a beneficial effect on the immune system, rejuvenates and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.
Phytotherapy, or herbal medicine, has long ceased to be associated only with alternative medicine. Not only in the Far East, but also in some Western countries, it has become a part of academic medicine.
- Plant supplements have a different effect on everyone?
N.S .: Yes. They should also be taken under medical supervision, not on their own. The rule: "maybe it won't help, but it won't hurt either" does not work here. Natural preparations contain active substances that may interact with synthetic drugs taken by patients.
- You deal with nuclear medicine that treats cancer with isotopes. What made you take up natural therapies as well?
N.S .: During my studies my interest in phytotherapy was awakened by the professor of pharmacotherapy, Jan Niedworok. Later, while working with cancer patients, I witnessed some of them go away. Eventually, when one of my chemotherapy patients wanted to stop, which meant a death sentence for him, I started looking for other avenues. I established contacts with companies that produced supplements that alleviated the effects of conventional therapies. This is how my cooperation with them began, also with international research centers that work for them.
- Natural protection therapies meet various barriers. The first is financial. The cost of monthly therapy exceeds the budget of many patients.
N.S .: This could be remedied if similar therapies were treated equally by the he alth system and reimbursed. For example, in Japan, as much as 60-70 percent of cancer patients are supplemented in the treatment process. It is significant that Japan, as the country of the most advanced technologies in the world, also in medicine, at the same timeinvests in research on natural therapies that can significantly increase the effectiveness of conventional therapies.
- Why do most of our Orthodox oncologists stick to conventional methods of treatment?
N.S .: Our doctors don't know much about natural therapies and they have a negative attitude towards them. The problem lies in the conservative, conformist and authoritarian system of training doctors, which crushes into the mind the "only correct" vision of medicine, not in line with the present day. Modern medicine goes towards treating man as a psychophysical unity and takes full advantage of natural medicine. He also needs open-minded doctors who are not afraid to go against the tide and who are paving the way for new paths.
This will be useful to youSacred Inca Herb
Today, one of the most famous pro-he alth plants is the "sacred Inca herb" - vilcacora. It is a South American plant with great biological activity. It grows in one subtropical range, in a clean natural environment. It is used in the treatment of rheumatism, bacterial and viral infections, and inflammations. It also has an immunomodulatory effect. Not only does it boost immunity, it also kills cancer cells.
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