Do you have stomach ache, heartburn, flatulence, lack of appetite, do you often have stomach ache? Be sure to go to a doctor and follow our advice on a daily basis. A proper diet, he althy lifestyle and exercise are a recipe for a he althy stomach.
1. He althy stomach: Don't heal yourself
If you suffer from indigestion,heartburnor other digestive problems, see your doctor. Let him find out what is wrong with you.
2. He althy stomach: Avoid constipation
It takes 12 to 24 hours to digest most foods. It takes the same amount for the digestive tract to get rid of toxic waste. Drink plenty of still water and use intestinal support measures (Xenna, Alax, Beneflora).
3. He althy stomach: eat regularly
Pay attention to yourdiet . Eat less, but more often, and don't leave the house without breakfast. Avoid very hot foods and drinks, becausestomachdoesn't like them. Limit the consumption of animal fat, replace it with olive or vegetable oils. Eat fresh butter. Use herbs to prevent digestive problems (dill, ginger, licorice, marjoram, lemon balm, mint, chamomile, thyme, comfrey).
4. A he althy stomach: Cut down on, and preferably quit alcohol and smoking
Avoid beer, especially light beer, because the m alt contained in it increases the secretion of gastric juices. Also, do not abuse any other alcohol, as it irritates the gastric mucosa in any form.
5. He althy stomach: Take a one-day fast once every six months
You then need to drink plenty of water to cleanse your body a bit and give your stomach and intestines a rest.
Flatulence: how to deal with them
6. A he althy stomach: take care of your teeth
The sick are a habitat of dangerous bacteria. Regularly remove calculus, use toothpastes to prevent plaque build-up on the teeth. Fill in the missing teeth, because poorly fragmented food stays in the stomach for a longer time and, decomposing, damages its walls. Large pieces of food can also injure the mucosa, provoking erosions.
7. He althy stomach: Don't give up on vacation
Rest is needed not only by your psyche, but also by your entire body. Contrary to appearances, the digestive tract is quite a delicate mechanism and it also needs itrespite. In spa towns, drink healing waters that improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
8. He althy stomach: Every day take a moment to relax and unwind
Learn to discharge your emotions. Don't suppress anger, anger and regret. Talk about your problems with loved ones and friends. Don't isolate yourself, stress wears off faster when you are around other people.
9. He althy stomach: Don't overuse anti-inflammatory and painkillers
Especially those containing acetylsalicylic acid.
10. A he althy stomach: Make sure the clothes do not press against your stomach
Ladies must remember about well-fitting underwear, pantyhose and skirt belts, gentlemen should not tighten the trouser belt too tightly.
11. A he althy stomach: Keep your body weight at the right level
Obesity is neither he althy nor aesthetic. It can also cause stress.
12. He althy stomach: Don't forget to move
Even less intense exercise improves intestinal peristalsis, promotes better digestion and regular bowel movements. If possible, exercise outdoors or with the window open.
13. He althy stomach: Do not overeat, especially in the evening
The stomach also wants to rest during the night. The feast should end no later than 7pm.