Home remedies for hemorrhoids are effective, but the therapy must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor for several weeks or even months. Hemorrhoids develop slowly, so the sooner you start treating them, the more likely you are to avoid surgery. Natural methods are most effective as soon as the first symptoms appear, in advanced stages they only support the treatment of hemorrhoids. Read on for details.
Home remedies for hemorrhoidswill beeffectiveif you start using them at the first symptoms of the disease. One of the first signs of the disease is itching around the anus, which may be accompanied by slight damage to the mucosa and skin (the result of scratching) and oozing of secretions that favor inflammatory and allergic reactions (we feel moisture around the anus).
When there is a slight rectal bleeding, most often during a bowel movement (a trace on toilet paper), it's the last call to see a doctor.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids - sitz baths
Relief is brought by no more than 10 minutes. Pour lukewarm water (up to 40 ° C) into the bathtub, approx. 10 cm, add a decoction of oak bark, chamomile or potassium permanganate and sit down with your legs tucked up. You can also prepare a herbal mixture: after a teaspoon of knotweed, sage, chestnut bark and oak, pour 2 liters of cold water and simmer for 10 minutes, strain and pour into the tub. In the case of acute disease exacerbation, relief is provided by using cold water baths for a few seconds and alternately pouring cold water on the thighs and knees.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids - warm baths
With the addition of a few drops of anti-inflammatory and calming oil (lavender, juniper, rosemary, lemon), they relieve pain, support blood flow, reducing swelling.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids - wraps
Wraps of ice cubes wrapped in a handkerchief, applied to the anus for a few minutes, will ease the pain. You can also save yourself with the juice of cooked onion with 2 drops of olive oil. The tampon soaked in the mixture is placed on the sore spot.
One of the easiest ways to stop light bleeding and relieve unpleasant ailments is to apply a damp tea bag - the tannin contained in the leaves has a stronganti-inflammatory and astringent effect.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids - washing
Washing sick areas with a cotton pad or a tissue soaked in chamomile, calendula, aloe, horsetail or oak bark extracts (they have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties and accelerate healing) will alleviate mucosa irritation, itching and burning.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids - herbal tea
Ready-made mixtures for hemorrhoids are available for sale, but you can prepare your own - from wormwood, nettle, coltsfoot, horsetail or elderberry and plantain. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of hot water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Filter the tea, add the pressed garlic clove.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids - pills, suppositories, ointments
They help to reduce discomfort and delay the development of nodules. They have various effects: anesthetic, antibacterial, they quickly reduce inflammation, stop bleeding and reduce swelling. They improve blood flow, seal and strengthen the vessels.
The basic ingredients of most preparations are plant extracts, e.g. from horse chestnut, arnica, marigold, preparations from poplar buds, Peruvian balm. Usually, these drugs are composed of several different substances, which increases the therapeutic effect and the spectrum of action.
Diosmin reduces the tension of the vein walls, inhibiting bleeding, and prevents blood stagnation in the venous system. Hydrocortisone, like marigold, horse chestnut and arnica extracts, has anti-inflammatory properties. Cynchocaine relieves pain and itching, neomycin treats infections.
Preparations with a suspension of bacteria and metabolic products enhance the immune response of the skin and mucosa, leading to the reduction of nodules. When the area of the anus is very irritated, it is better to use the ointment, if the symptoms are mild - suppositories.
You must do it- Avoid constipation, which favors hemorrhoids.
- Eat as many vegetables, fruits, and whole grains as possible, but don't overdo the seeds as they can mechanically irritate the anus, increasing itching and burning.
- Limit bloating products, such as legumes, as well as chocolate, strong tea, coffee, high-alcohol alcohol and red wine, animal fats, spicy spices.
- Drink at least 2 liters of fluid every day.
- Systematic physical effort is as important as diet - a daily walk or exercise.
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