To begin with, a medical clarification: constipation is when we have a bowel movement less than twice a week. When we have been struggling with such a problem for months, it can lead to more serious diseases.

Regardless of whetherconstipationis to blame for a sedentary lifestyle, unhe althydiet , abuse of certainmedications, or slowing down with agemetabolism , you need to get rid of the problem as soon as possible, because chronic constipation is harmful to your he alth.

Constipation - malabsorption disorder

People who have constipation often take various laxatives on their own, systematically increasing the dose. As a result, the nerves of the colon mucosa are damaged and, as a consequence, the sensitivity of the intestine is weakened and the problem is exacerbated. Overuse of such agents can impair the absorption of minerals, fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K, and proteins, and the deficiency of these components means reduced immunity, deterioration of bones, and blood clotting disorder.

Constipation - inflammation

The persistence of compacted food debris in the rectum may lead to mucosa damage and inflammatory changes in the final segment of the large intestine. Then the bowel movement is accompanied by pain, sometimes there is also muco-bloody discharge, the so-called pseudo-diarrhea that may even suggest bowel cancer.


Hemorrhoids, popularly called hemorrhoids, allow you to control defecation and gas excretion. The nerve impulse, which feels like pressure, causes the blood to empty of blood, allowing you to pass stools. Sitting on the toilet for too long and tightening the abdominal muscles, which accompanies constipation, leads to "overload" of the venous system in the pelvis and the anus area, and, consequently, enlargement of hemorrhoids. Overextended lumps fill with blood excessively and do not completely empty of blood. As a result, inflammation develops not only in the nodules themselves, but also around the anus, known as haemorrhoidal disease (haemorrhoidal varicose veins). There is itching, which may be accompanied by a feeling of moisture around the anus, slight bleeding, most often during defecation, pain. Enlarged bumps sometimes give the impression of incomplete bowel movements. The disease is favored by drug-induced diarrhealaxatives, irritating the lining of the anus. Over time, the nodules enlarge and may extend beyond the anus

Anal fissure

The mucosa of the anus may rupture as a result of excessive contraction of the sphincter muscle. During a bowel movement, the muscle contracts, spreading the edges of the fissure and making it harder for the wound to heal. It is accompanied by severe pain after visiting the toilet. You can see vivid red blood in the stool. Other symptoms of the disease include itching and inflammatory discharge in the anus.

Intestinal diverticula

These are small protrusions of the mucosa of the large intestine, forming pits. Food content and putrefactive processes in them lead to the development of inflammation. It is accompanied by flatulence and abdominal pain. A rare complication is a rupture of the diverticulum wall as a result of being over-stretched by the accumulated content or gases, or destroyed by an inflammatory process. The contaminated contents then spread among the surrounding tissues, causing peritonitis.

Fecal stones

In severe forms of constipation, the stools sometimes become so dehydrated that they become lumpy like stones. They can then irritate the mucosa, cause bedsores and ulceration of the intestine. Sometimes fecal stones block the lumen of the intestine - it becomes blocked. Symptoms include lack of bowel movements for several days, a feeling of fullness in the rectum, gas, and abdominal pain.


Colorectal cancer

Among the risk factors, apart from genetic predisposition, is a diet low in fiber and high in animal fats, which slows down the work of the intestines. Long-term persistence of feces causes constant irritation of the mucosa of the large intestine by harmful chemicals and gases. The risk of the disease is increased by inflammation of the intestine and chronic irritation of its walls by laxatives.

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