Toxicology is a broad science that draws from many fields. The tasks of the toxicologist include the detection of toxic agents and research into the source of poisoning. The activities of toxicologists are aimed at minimizing situations in which a toxicological hazard may arise. The toxicologist works like a detective, tracks down and detects the perpetrator of poisonings.

Toxicologyis the science of toxins and poisoning. It is an interdisciplinary science separated from chemistry, physics, pharmacology and many other fields. Toxicology studies the properties of toxic factors and their impact on the body.

Toxicology - Derives from the Greek 'toxon' for bow and 'toxicos', from substances to poison arrows.

Knowledge in the field of toxicology is widely used in medicine, forensic medicine, veterinary medicine, and forensic veterinary medicine. The toxicology can be divided into: general toxicology, specific toxicology, and experimental toxicology. The toxicology is conventionally divided into theoretical and applied.

Toxicology focuses on the study of the properties of toxic agents, and they include:

  • toxicity, i.e. causing disease symptoms;
  • teratogenicity - causing fetal malformations;
  • allergenicity - causing allergies;
  • carcinogenicity - causing neoplastic changes;
  • mutagenicity - inducing genetic changes.

What does a toxicologist do?

The toxicologistis a medical detective. He combines the knowledge of a pharmacist, chemist and doctor. Its task is to discover toxicological hazards, identify poisoning, and detect toxic substances.

The toxicologist works both in the hospital, in forensics centers and in the police.

The toxicologist also conducts epidemiological research and collects data on poisoning. Performs epidemiological expertise, provides consultations, creates expert opinions. The work of a toxicologist and his research are extremely important in times of toxicological danger.

When does the doctor order a toxicological test?

Toxicological testis performed when poisoning with toxic compounds is suspected or when there is a suspicion that the patient may beunder the influence of intoxicants. Such a test is also necessary when it is difficult to clearly determine the cause of death.

Toxicology testing (s) is done by analyzing blood, urine or body fluids. It is also possible to perform a specialist toxicological examination based on the collected tissues and sections, hair, eyeball fluid or cerebrospinal fluid. A toxicologist who conducts research in the field of forensics also collects material from the deceased and from material evidence.

The scope of the toxicological test includes the detection, determination (identification) and analysis of harmful substances, poisons, drugs, drugs.

Worth knowing

The father of toxicology is considered to be a Minoran, Mateo Orfilla. In 1813 he published his first work on toxicology -Theatise of general Toxicology , orHandbook of General Toxicology .
