Annato (bioxin and norbixin, E160b) is a dye that occurs, among others, in in yellow cheese. Annato is a controversial food additive. Many people wonder if this dye is harmful, how does it affect he alth. Some argue that it can cause ailments such as an allergy. Check what properties annatto has, what the use of this dye is and what is its harmfulness.
Annato(bioxin and norbixin, E160b) is a natural food coloring that gives products a color from yellow to intense orange. The main sources of this supplement in the diet are flavored fermented milk products (e.g. yoghurts and vanilla cheese) and cheese. Is annatto a dye that is harmful? How does it affect he alth?
Annato (E160b) - what is this dye?
Annato is obtained from the seeds of the small tropical tree Bixa orellana. This species grows wild or is cultivated in South America, East Africa, the Ivory Coast, the Dominican Republic and India.
The annatto dye is obtained from the outer cover of the seeds, which are small in size and red in color. From 4.5 to 5.5 percent the seed masses are pigments. The main coloring substances in annatto are the carotenoids bixin and norbixin. Bixin is fat soluble and accounts for about 70-80 percent. pigments. Norbixin, on the other hand, dissolves in water.
The first stage of annatto production is the mechanical grinding of the seeds. The colored powder dissolves in an appropriately selected solvent. Bixin is extracted from the seeds with nonpolar solvents, including vegetable oils, and norbixin with an aqueous solution of the base.
Although bixin is a fat-soluble compound, in fact its solubility is very low - from 0.1 to 0.3 percent. For this reason, bixin dispersed in oil is commercially available in the form of solutions containing from 4 to 8 percent. pigment. Aqueous solutions of norbixin are easy to dissolve.
Annato (E160b) - properties and application
Annatohas been known for thousands of years and has been used by the indigenous peoples of the areas where Bixa orellana grew. Annato was prepared as a powder or paste and addedfor dishes as a color and seasoning. Annato, like peppers and saffron, gives food a yellow to orange color. It has a slightly spicy flavor with nutty notes.
Demonstrates antibacterial properties, therefore the paste was used on the surface as a medicine for the skin. Annatto paste was also used as a sunburn prevention agent. In addition, it was used for decorative face painting and for dyeing fabrics. In the culture of the Maya and Aztecs, annato was attributed to sacred properties, it was used symbolically as blood, important documents were written with it.
Currently, this dye is used in industry - it is used in the production of colored cosmetics: nail polishes or lipsticks. As an antioxidant and pigment, it is added to creams, lotions, soaps and shampoos. Annato is an emollient and protects the skin.
This dye is also found in floor waxes, furniture and shoe polish. It is also used for dyeing wood, rattan and wicker.
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The color of annatto depends on the proportion of bixin and norbixin. The more bixin in it, the more orange it is. In turn, the higher the norbixin content, the more yellow the shade. Annato is a dye resistant to heat up to 125 degrees Celsius.
Above this value it starts to decay. It also loses its coloring properties with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Annatto dye precipitates in acidic solutions and brines. However, it is possible to use it effectively with appropriate additives to these solutions.
Annato (E160b) in cheese and more. Where is annata?
European Union law strictly specifies to which food products and in what amounts this dye may be added. Most often annatto is found in ice cream, fats and margarines, yellow fish, e.g. smoked herring, breadsticks, yoghurts, cheeses. Annato is often used in combination with curcumin to give it a vanilla hue in ice cream and margarines.
Annato E 160b is allowed for use in:
Food group | Maximum quantity allowed [mg / L or mg / kg] |
Flavored fermented milk products | 10 |
Ripe cheeses | 15 |
Red Leicester Cheese | 50 |
Cheese preparations | 15 |
Edible cheese rind | 20 |
Fats, margarines | 10 |
Ice cream | 20 |
Cake decorations and toppings | 10 |
Bakery products | 10 |
Smoked fish | 10 |
Liqueurs and alcoholic beverages up to 15% alcohol | 10 |
Potato, cereal, flour or starch-based snacks | 10 |
Nuts in a dry shell | 10 |
The consumption of annatto in Europe, estimated on the basis of the maximum allowable concentrations of the additive in the product, depends on the age group and averages:
- 0.01 - 0.04 mg / kg body weight among infants
- 0.06 - 0.16 mg / kg bw among young children up to 3 years old
- 0.04 - 0.14 mg / kg bw among children aged 3-9
- 0.02 - 0.06 mg / kg bw among teenagers (10-17 years old)
- 0.01 - 0.03 mg / kg bw among adults (16-64 years)
- 0.01 - 0.03 mg / kg bw among the elderly (over 65)
Annato (E160b) - dosage
In 2006, the Joint FAO / WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives established ADI levels, or Acceptable Daily Intake (the amount of a substance that can be consumed daily throughout life without harm to he alth) separately for bixin and norbixin. Currently, the ADI for bixin is 12 mg / kg body weight per day, and for norbixin - 0.6 mg / kg body weight. per day.
Annato (E160b) - is this dye harmful? The impact of annatto on he alth
Annato is a well-researched food additive. On the basis of numerous analyzes, it was found that when used in low doses, it is not mutagenic, genotoxic or carcinogenic.
Pro-he alth activities have been demonstrated for annatto. How can this dye affect your he alth?
- it is an effective antibacterial agent
- its pigments are antioxidants, so a dye added to food can help protect cells from free radical damage
- animal studies have shown that bixin prevents the build-up of plaque in the arteries, so it can protect against heart attacks. In addition, it caused a decrease in inflammatory markers and blood triglyceride levels, and contributed to a significant increase in the level of "good" HDL cholesterol
- annato accelerates the healing of wounds and thrush in the mouth, and also improves the condition of the skin andhelps to protect it from damage caused by UV radiation
- norbixin may have a protective effect on the organ of vision
Annato (E160b) - allergy
In the literature, cases of IgE-dependent allergic reactions are reported after consuming food with annatto. The reaction in hypersensitive people appears quickly, about 20 minutes after eating something with this dye.
Most likely due to the presence of small amounts of protein remaining in the dye after inaccurate cleaning. It appears
- urticaria
- swollen
- drop in blood pressure
There are also cases of aggravation of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome:
- stomach pains
- flatulence
- diarrhea
- constipation
Foods with annatto should pay attention to people prone to allergies and food intolerances.
1. EFSA Scientific opinion, The safety of annatto extracts (E 160b) as a food additive,
2. Kendrick A ., Annatto, in: Natural Food Additives, Ingredients and Flavourings, 2012
3. Solymosi K. et al., Annatto (E160b), in: Color Additives for Foods and Beverages, 2015
4 Scotter M., The chemistry and analysis of annatto food coloring: A review, Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 2009, 26 (8), 1123-1145
5. PubChem, Annatto, https: //