Red borscht is a beetroot soup. The most popular is traditional homemade red borscht, whitened with potatoes. However, on the Christmas Eve table, pure red borscht with dumplings is the most common. Check the properties and nutritional values of red borscht for red borscht and how many calories (kcal) red borscht has.
Red borschtis a soup made of red beetroots, on lactic-fermented (sour) beetroot juice or concentrated beetroot juice, in a vegetable stock with the addition of a large amount of spices. The most popular is traditional homemade red borscht, whitened with potatoes. However, on the Christmas Eve table, pure red borscht with dumplings is the most common.
Red borscht - traditional homemade red borscht
Borscht is invariably associated with beetroot, but it is not borscht in its original meaning. Borscht is a term for a sour soup prepared initially from a plant called borscht, and later from various vegetables (cabbage, sorrel, beetroot) pickled or seasoned with vinegar.
Borscht is a plant that grows widely throughout Europe and Asia to this day, but it has lost its culinary significance. The saying "Cheap as borscht" is derived from it. In the 16th century, beets were also part of the soup, but another one - kvassenine, which was primarily the food of the poor.
At the same time as borscht, beetroot was eaten under the name of "beetroot". Before borscht started to be cooked from beetroot, the name was taken over by a leaven soup made of rye flour or rye bran, as evidenced by recipes from 17th-century cookbooks.
In a cookbook from 1735, the term "beetroot borscht" appears, which indicates that around the middle of the 18th century, beetroot borscht began to be cooked, but at the same time other borscht is known, and the most white borscht on rye flour.
The first mentions of a soup called borscht appear in notes from the 16th century. The most famous work from the period in which the word "borscht" is mentioned is "The Life of a Good Man" by Mikołaj Rej.
It is certainly about borscht soup (Heracleum sphondylium), and not beetroot soup (Beta vulgaris). In the sixteenth-eternal herbarium of Szymon Syreński in the chapter "Our Polish borscht" we read:
“Our borscht is known to everyone in our country, in Ruthenia, Lithuania, and in Samogitia, rather than being able to describe himself with his circumstances. For medicine and table useful it is very tasty. Yes, the root as the leaves. But the root is only more useful for medicine, and the leaves for food. They collect leaves commonly in May. The borscht soup is tasty and grateful as they make it here in Russia and Lithuania. Be brewed alone, be with the capon or with other spices, such as egg, cream, millet. "
Every housewife has her own recipe for red borscht and it has a slightly different taste in every home. It is a Lenten borscht, which is not prepared on bones or smoked meat, but only on vegetables with the addition of mushrooms or fish.
Borscht is seasoned with s alt and sugar. Pepper is not used. Nowadays, Christmas Eve borscht is very often made from a bag or cardboard concentrate. The preparation of traditional Polish borscht requires a bit of a bore, but the taste of this Polish soup is second to none.
In the periodical "Gospodyni Wiejska" from 1877 we read4that "Well-cleaned mushrooms are put in a saucepan, poured a little with water, seasoned with vegetables like: onions, beets, added some spices, s alt and top it with beetroot borscht, cooking it all together.
You can also add a few heads of ropes, and when the borscht boils well for a few hours, it drains. "In 1913, the borscht was prepared a bit differently: a few red beets.
When the taste is cooked, pour the borscht over it, add the finely chopped beetroots, season with a browned tablespoon of butter with flour, bring to a boil, s alt and add sugar to taste. Put the separately boiled mushroom ears in the vase. " 2
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Red borscht - leavenbeetroot for borscht
At the beginning of the 20th century, the term "beetroot acid" or "borscht" appears in the sense of the beet leaven, which gives red borscht a unique flavor. The beetroot leaven is left to dry for 5-7 days.
According to tradition, the fruit of the field, forest, orchard and water should be on the table on Christmas Eve. The beetroot borscht is a representative of the produce of the field, which has been associated with the native soil for centuries.
Beet leaven from the book "Economical preserving vegetables for the winter" from 1914 by Elżbieta Kiewnarska
"If you want the beetroots to be soft and the borscht will ferment quickly and well, you should put it on the last quarter. After the beetroot has been scraped and washed, it is filled into a stone or wooden vessel and then filled with plain raw water. If you want them to turn sour sooner, you can pour lukewarm water and put in a few pieces of black bread, which is removed after a few days. Press it with a wooden bottom and a stone so that the broth always covers the beets. When taking borscht for consumption, you add as much water as you drink. This can be repeated within two months, after which the already drenched beets cannot impart flavor or acid to the broth. It is also two weeks before this date that a fresh portion of beets should be leavened in another vessel. In this way, we will always have fresh borscht for kitchen needs. I am writing here about acidifying beets in small pots or beans for the needs of a small farm. When the beetroot and borsch is more consumed, it is placed in a larger barrel and kept not in the kitchen, but in a non-freezing cellar. "
Red borscht Magdy Gessler
Worth knowingRed borscht from a bag
Are you planning red borscht from a purse for Christmas? We advise against this idea. There is no beetroot in teabag soups, but a lot of sugar (usually in the first place) and other unnecessary ingredients. Here is the composition of one of the popular powdered soups. There is no borscht in it, only … beetroot juice concentrate, and only 15% of it:
- sugar,
- beetroot juice concentrate 15.4%,
- s alt,
- m altodextrin,
- fully hardened palm oil,
- yeast extract,
- acid (citric acid),
- dried garlic 1.6%,
- aromas,
- palm oil,
- marjoram,
- wheat protein hydrolyzate,
- spices.
Red borscht - properties of beetroots used to prepare borscht
Red borscht - nutritional values, calories
Pure red borscht is a very low-calorie dish. A portion of 200 ml, which is as much as will fit in a shallow plate,delivers:
- 36 kcal
- 0.2 g protein
- 0.2 g fat
- 8.2 g carbs
The handles themselves are responsible for the caloric value of borscht served with dumplings. The soup plate with 10 dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms is:
- 230 kcal
- 7.3 g protein
- 1.1 g fat
- 48.2 g carbs
Red borscht is one of the most dietary dishes on the Christmas Eve table. It is also very he althy due to its main ingredient - beetroot.
Beets owe their intense color to betaine - a compound with a strong antioxidant potential that helps protect the body's cells from damage caused by oxidative stress, and consequently against cancer and dementia.
Beets are a rich source of vitamin C, B vitamins, including folic acid and manganese. Beet preparations, incl. borscht are effective in vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, but have no proven effect in iron deficiency anemia.
Another very important ingredient of beetroot is nitrates. These compounds are very effective in cardiovascular problems and cardiovascular diseases. They help lower blood pressure and have a protective effect on blood vessels. They also increase blood flow, which has a positive effect on slowing down the progression of senile dementia.
Research has shown that drinking beetroot juice increases blood flow to the brain and improves cognition in the elderly. It also improves the supply of oxygen with the blood to the muscles, which increases the efficiency of prolonged exercise.
Beets contain alpha-lipoic acid with an antioxidant effect, which can lower blood glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity of cells, thus reducing the risk of diabetes and improving the condition of those who are ill.
Beet leaven used in traditional red borscht is a great probiotic. Provides valuable for he alth lactic acid bacteria, thanks to which it supports the he alth of the intestines and the functioning of the digestive system, and improves immunity.