Fenugreek oil is valued for its he alth-promoting properties. Also for the fact that it gives the dishes a bit of an oriental flavor. What else is the secret of fenugreek oil? We decided to ask dietitian Armand Jabłoński about it.
Fenugreek Oilis an aromatic oil thatis rich in essential Omega-3 fatty acids , making it beneficial for many processes in the body. It owes its properties to fenugreek seeds, which contain, among others :
- antioxidants
- essential oils
- vitamins (A, C, thiamin, niacin, folic acid, riboflavin)
- minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc)
- lecithin
- esters
- vegetable proteins
These seeds are used to obtain fenugreek oil, which is distinguished by an exceptional richness of nutritional values. These seeds containfrom 20 percent. up to 30 percent mucous substances , composed largely of galactomannans. As emphasized by dietitian Armand Jabłoński, "the additionally high content of flavanoids and steroid saponins in fenugreek oil proves its anti-inflammatory effect". - In the composition of fenugreek oil you can also findmucus substancesthat line the digestive system - added the specialist.
What is fenugreek oil good for?
Thanks to its rich composition, fenugreek oil has many he alth-promoting properties. - Consuming a small amount of fenugreek oil can contribute tosupporting our nervous and immune systems , which will improve our thinking processes and reduce the likelihood of infection. The aforementioned mucus substances can support the treatment of gastric ulcer and gastrointestinal irritation - explained nutritionist Armand Jabłoński in an interview for Poradnik Zdrowie.
Fenugreek oil is a good way to:
- acceleration of digestion- stimulates the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices and protects the liver flesh similarly to milk thistle extract
- lowering the "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the bloodand inhibiting the activity of lipase and slowing down the absorption of fatty compounds
- regulating the insulin-glucose metabolism in the body(including lowering blood glucose levels)
- improving and strengthening the circulatory system
- building muscle massand increasing muscle resistance to fatigue
- memory improvement
- alleviate a sore throat
It's worth checking out - fenugreek and its unique properties! [GALLERY]

Fenugreek oil in cosmetics
Fenugreek oil is also widely used in cosmetics andhas many benefits for skin and hair . Because it has a cleansing and smoothing effect. Fenugreek oil can be used by people who have a problem with hair loss. It is best then to rub the oil into the scalp onto dry or damp hair to provide it with many valuable nutrients - includingstrengthens the bulbs and smoothes dry strands . The vitamin A content in fenugreek oil reduces the excessive production of sebum, while the presence of mucous compounds makes the hair smoother and shinier. One should not forget about the richness of minerals that have an impact on the reconstruction of cellular structures in the scalp.
If women want to improve the appearance of their breasts, they can use fenugreek oil.It will take care of proper nourishment, hydration and firmness of the breast skin . A few drops of fenugreek oil should also be added to the lotion, which will soothe the skin and increase its elasticity.
What daily dose of fenugreek oil is allowed?
Fenugreek oil can be used cold, as an independent, natural product or in combination with another oil. Adding a little oil, for example to salads or sauces, will give them a delicious, oriental flavor.
In people under the age of 18, as emphasized by nutritionist Armand Jabłoński, it is worth adding symbolic amounts of it. -In the case of adults, 1g (1000mg / approx. 35 drops) is suggested daily for a maximum of 7 days.Longer consumption of fenugreek oil or any doubts about its safety, it is always worth consulting a doctor - he added .
Fenugreek oil can be found in he alth food stores or at the pharmacy. It is sold in a glass, tinted bottle equipped with a dropper (so-called pipette) for easy dispensing. After opening, it's best to find a place in the kitchen in a cool, dark place.
Contraindications to the use of fenugreek oil
We asked dietitian Armand to clarify this issueJabłoński. - Fenugreek oilshould not be combined with anti-inflammatory drugs and thyroid medicationsin the first place. Its ingredients may interact with the aforementioned drugs and interfere with their absorption - emphasized dietitian Armand Jabłoński in an interview for Poradnik Zdrowie. So you should keep this in mind before using fenugreek oil.