Retirement means a lot of free time, but also great changes in life. Sometimes it is not possible, despite attempts, to maintain old contacts - for example from work. Fortunately, no one is doomed to loneliness after retirement. With a little bit of motivation, you can boldly meet new people and build valuable relationships. Here are some tips on how to do it.
In retirement you can make new friends even accidentally. A certain regularity of certain daily habits is also useful here. There are also quite a few places to meet interesting people. The great advantage of being retired is the time to do everything!
Discovering local places
First of all, look around your neighborhood: find interesting bars, restaurants and cafes. If you find a place where you feel good, be there regularly, i.e. at similar hours and on the same days. If you have such an opportunity, avoid typical lunch hours, when random people or one-time guests often appear in the premises. Over time, you may find people with similar time habits, and this makes it easier to make new friends. Don't be afraid to start a conversation - a smile and cordiality at the outset can do wonders. Also, be interested in larger tables at which people who did not know each other gather together. This is also a good excuse for talks. Single people or those who, like you, are looking for valuable relationships, will quickly swallow the hook and repay you with a pleasant conversation.
Regularity pays off
A simple way to make new friends? High regularity every day! It is about walking along the same paths, as well as entering the same places at similar times. You will notice very quickly that you will start to feel at home there. The service itself will remember you, and this is a good excuse to talk or make interesting friends. Also pay attention to whether others are not acting like you - that is, they are attached to the same places, have similar habits, etc. And then you will gain another starting point for establishing a new, friendly relationship. Act slowly but cordially, "investigate" whether the person really wants a new acquaintance. Over time, you can propose more meetings in or out of the same place. It might as well be like thisthe suggestion may come from the other side!
Take the first step
The most difficult first step? And yes - starting conversations with strangers is a stressful and difficult thing. But if you do it once, twice or a third time, you will develop a habit like this and all your nerves will leave you. You may also be surprised to see how eager and welcoming other seniors are. What is worth talking about? Generally, it is easiest for people to talk about … themselves, and more precisely - their family, small everyday matters, passions. When the conversation is going well and you see the interest on the other hand, you can offer to leave a phone number or e-mail (or exchange them right away). Remember one more thing: in a good tone and it will be for your benefit to underline how nice it was for you to meet the person.
Be polite
Valuable relationships are based on respect, kindness and mutual support. So emphasize that these values are close to you. For example, if you know that a new person you meet likes something specific to eat, bring it to your next meeting. These types of nice touches and kindness will make the other person understand that you are serious about the relationship and that you want to deepen it. In many cases, seniors - as people with rich experience - do not want to waste time on shallow relationships. So they appreciate only the more serious and "promising" ones.
Plane of understanding
Sometimes a nice conversation is enough to invest some energy in a new acquaintance. However, it is even better when you manage to find common ground - for example related to your interests. Here, too, think about your own benefits - it is about passions that give you joy, not those that are only to please the other person, so that the relationship lasts.
Places where you can meet new people
The Polish offer of entertainment and interest clubs for seniors is actually still … in its infancy. Fortunately, it is slowly changing, the more that there are more and more people in mature age and retired. So take a look at the situation in your town or commune, if you live in the countryside. The employees of the commune office can also help - they certainly have more knowledge about possible, interesting places to spend time in a wider group of seniors. Good examples include gardening, cooking, dancing, reading, theater and religious clubs. A great way to meet new people is also to participate in sports activities for seniors.
Closer and farther journeys
Even a one-day trip in an organized group will allow you to meet new people with similar onesinterests. And even better when it comes to a longer trip and to the farthest corner of the world. Many countries, both European and non-European, are fully adapted to tourists in terms of receiving mature age guests. You can start making new relationships while on the journey itself, which usually lasts many hours. There will also be opportunities for this on the spot. If you are looking for a partner, look around for offers in travel agencies aimed at singles. For example, those related to cruises are very interesting - there is already a lot of time at your disposal to talk or play nice party games. Both on board and ashore, there will be opportunities to eat meals together, feast, play with music or dance parties.
This is another idea for a creative and useful way to spend time, and at the same time a great opportunity to meet new people. Look for organizations that provide jobs for senior volunteers. Not only can you develop your passions and help others, but you will also meet new people with common interests.
Alumni reunions
They are organized by many schools and universities. Such meetings and celebrations allow you to renew your old school or university friendships. There is also a very high probability that it will not be a temporary meeting with once liked people, but something like a new opening. Don't limit yourself to the main, solemn event - sometimes conventions are additional events, sometimes taking the entire weekend, or even organized in the form of trips. By the way, get interested in the activities of graduate clubs at a given educational institution.
Social media
Finally, a tool for meeting new people that you have at your fingertips and without leaving your home! The first medium is, of course, Facebook. You can meet new people very easily, and it is best if you continue your conversations in the virtual world in the real world. There are tons of interest groups on Facebook with many very committed members. And in fact, in these groups you have a great chance to establish valuable relationships - in addition to people with common passions.
Another important social medium is Instagram. It is even said that it is gradually replacing Facebook, so it is even more interesting to be interested in it. Instagram is very intuitive, users are willing to make friends with each other, and it is also easy to reach a wide audience in no time. Think what you want to show the most on Instagram - your culinary and reading passions, photosgarden, or maybe interesting fashion stylizations? Follow the example of granfluencers who, even at the age of over 90, delight Instagram users around the world and successfully break stereotypes related to seniors.

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