Occupational therapy is a form of rehabilitation of people with disabilities, which involves participation in art, movement and integration workshops. Its aim is to increase the manual, intellectual and physical skills of the patient. Participation in occupational therapy is of great importance for the psyche of people with dysfunctions - it allows you to forget about your own limitations, develops sensitivity, builds self-esteem and adapts to life in society.
Occupational therapyhelps people with physical and intellectual disabilities to function better in the social, professional and everyday life. It includes various types of activities, most often of an artistic and physical nature. They take place in special laboratories at hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, centers for the disabled, people with mental, motor and social problems. They can only be conducted by trained therapists who set the schedule of activities, supervise their organization and encourage patients to undertake activities prescribed by the doctor. The type of workshops is selected individually depending on the degree of dysfunction of the disabled person.
Benefits of participating in occupational therapy
- increasing independence (e.g. more efficient performance of daily activities such as personal hygiene, getting dressed, preparing meals, etc.);
- preparation for professional work;
- improvement of physical condition (including manual and coordination improvement);
- relieving nervous tension;
- distracting the patient's attention from the disease and related problems;
- development of interests, passions;
- improving interpersonal skills.
Types of occupational therapy
The main types of occupational therapy are:
- ergotherapy - therapy through work, involves performing manual activities (e.g. painting, carving, weaving, tailoring, wicker, gardening);
- art therapy - therapy through broadly understood art - music, books, theater, dance;
- esthetotherapy - therapy through contact with beautiful surroundings and objects (e.g. going to a museum, walking in the forest, walkingby the sea);
- kinesiotherapy - therapy through movement (e.g. gymnastics, team games, dancing and walking);
- sociotherapy - therapy through games and games with other participants and activities aimed at developing interpersonal skills;
- relaxation classes - therapy using relaxation techniques. Its purpose is to reduce nervous tension, relieve symptoms of stress, depression, and eliminate anxiety.
Sample occupational therapy workshops
As part of occupational therapy, workshops in various fields of art, as well as sports and integration activities are organized. Examples include:
- artistic handicraft workshops - the students use various techniques (weaving, decoupage, origami, embroidery, jewelry) to create their own artworks, which are then displayed in the studio. In this way, they develop their manual skills, learn precision, patience, and calm down;
- art workshops - participants paint and draw, perfecting their workshop and learning to express emotions through art;
- theater workshops - pupils prepare their own theater performance. By role-playing they become sensitive to the feelings of others and better cope with collaborative tasks;
- poetry workshops - consist in reading poetry, reciting it in the presence of other group members, as well as writing poems on your own;
- integration workshops - participants spend time together playing, having fun and discussing. This serves to strengthen the ties between the pupils, develop communication skills and make them more sensitive to the emotions and needs of others.
Role of the occupational therapist
The successful course of the workshops depends to the greatest extent on the therapist's skills - whether he is able to create a friendly, sympathetic atmosphere in which every disabled person will feel good. The facilitator should encourage the participants to undertake certain activities, but in no way should he or she force them to do anything. Similarly, he should not divide his charges into worse and better ones, or praise only selected people. It is important that each patient is equally supportive, understanding, and creates safe conditions for work and integration.