Communicating with a patient suffering from speech disorders is difficult. But that doesn't mean you can't communicate with him. We will tell you how to do it.
How to communicate with a patient who does not speak?
The ability to communicate is not limited to just saying words. This is only part of the message. The gesture, gaze, facial expression and the way of moving are also of great importance. Thanks to this message, information can reach both ways - from the caregiver to the sick and from the sick to the caregiver.
Usually the cause of communication difficulties is aphasia, which is a loss (partial or complete) of the ability to speak. Aphasia develops when those brain structures that are responsible for speaking and understanding speech are damaged. It often occurs together with a loss of writing and reading skills.
How do I contact someone who doesn't speak?
You can make contact with a person who has lost the ability to speak. How to do it?
- Be patient and empathetic, that is, empathize with the person you care for, and this will facilitate emotional contact and communication.
- Keep eye contact with the sick person to make them feel safer and at least partially lip-read. Besides, by observing the expressions of his face, you will know if he accepts your actions or is against them.
- Speak in short sentences. Questions or commands must be formulated directly so that the answer can be limited to one word (yes or no) or a nod. Speak clearly, but don't raise your voice as this is unnecessarily irritating.
- Gestykuluj - your facial expressions, gestures, movements can replace words, e.g. when you ask if the mentee wants to drink, show it with a gesture.