A diet for muscle mass should contain the right amount of protein, which is the main building component of muscles. However, excess protein in the diet can be harmful. How to calculate the right amount of protein in your diet for muscle gain? How should the diet for muscle mass be composed?

Diet for muscle massmust contain the right amount of protein, because that's what makes muscles. What are theprinciples of the diet for muscle massregarding the proportion of protein in it?How much protein should be in the diet for muscle mass ?

Diet for mass: how much protein in the diet for mass?

Trainers recommend 2-2.5 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day when using a diet for mass, and this model works well for most people who train. However, nutrition physiologists believe that it is a bit too much, because the excess of proteins is harmful to the body. Excess protein puts a lot of strain on the kidneys, which have to work hard to excrete substances formed during the conversion of proteins, and also leads to a loss of calcium, which leads to osteoporosis.

The second problem with this amount of protein is the volume of meals. You need a large portion of food to absorb the right amount of protein. And a full stomach is not conducive to training. Hence, meat should not be the main source of protein. The higher protein content is in milk, cheese and yoghurt. Eggs are an excellent source that contains all the necessary amino acids. No matter where your protein comes from, if you eat a lot of it, you need to drink a lot, especially water. This will help the kidneys to get rid of harmful waste products.

Weight-loss diet: protein supplements

Protein supplements are a way to provide the training body with the right amount of protein. Nutritionists especially recommend supplements in the form of whey protein isolate, because they can contain up to 90 percent of protein. There are also protein supplements available on the market in the form of concentrate and hydrolyzate. Nutrients are not recommended for those under 20 years of age. A safer way to provide the right amount of protein necessary for building muscle is supplementing selected amino acids. Because in fact, it is them, and not a large amount of protein, that a bodybuilder needs. It is worth reaching for arginine and glutamineand branched chain amino acids (BCAA).

Mass diet: the best time for protein

Protein should be included in every meal, but the last meal before bedtime should consist mainly of them, because muscle mass is built during sleep.
