The University of the Third Age is an ideal solution for seniors who are active, hate idleness and want to broaden their knowledge despite retirement. See what the Universities of the Third Age are and what they offer to the elderly. Also find out how to enroll in classes at the University of the Third Age!


    1. Third Age University: how does it work?
    2. Third Age University: what does it offer?
    3. University of the Third Age: how to enroll?
    4. University of the Third Age: for how many years?

The University of the Third Ageis an initiative known for years. This offer is addressed to people over 50, retirees and pensioners who want to continue learning and acquiring new skills using their free time.

Participation in the classes allows you to expand your knowledge, but often to start learning something completely new, related to your interests, which during your professional activity was only in the sphere of plans and dreams.

Third Age University: how does it work?

The University of the Third Age is a great solution for people who have retired and find it hard to be idle. Lack of occupation, the feeling of uselessness and meaninglessness in life are common causes of depression in the elderly, and less physical activity associated with being at home all the time - is a source of he alth decline.

Therefore, in many countries, as part of the activation of seniors and counteracting their exclusion from society due to their age, places are created that offer various types of training, courses and workshops. Although this idea did not arise in Poland, it is also very popular in our country.

Increased interest in establishing Third Age Universities and participation in classes in them increased after 2000. It was then that the generation of people born after the war, who achieved professional and social success, and - as it turned out - imagined their life in retirement in a completely different way than their parents, reached the retirement age.

Different requirements, needs and expectations, a different lifestyle and way of spending free time resulted in the need for new formsactivities for this age group - especially among residents of large cities. The answer was the Universities of the Third Age.

In the last dozen or so years, their number has increased sixfold: currently in our country there are over 600 Universities offering classes for people over 50.

In the last dozen or so years, their number has increased sixfold: currently in our country there are over 600 Universities offering classes for people over 50.

Third Age University: what does it offer?

What do Third Age Universities offer? They are most often located at state or private universities, community centers or other institutions run by local governments, and often constitute separate units established by foundations and associations. Most offers can be found in cities, but there are also institutions located in rural areas (unfortunately, this is a small percentage of all universities).

The task of the Universities of the Third Age is to teach and provide access to knowledge to older people. This education often takes the form of lectures, workshops or courses aimed at seniors, sometimes they are not educational, but cultural or sports activities. Some studies last several semesters, but you can also enroll in shorter courses - one semester.

The classes offered by the Universities include both language and computer courses, but also lectures - in geography, mathematics, astronomy, ecology, history, cultural studies, etc. People interested in a specific field of study can always find something for themselves.

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University of the Third Age: how to enroll?

Each facility has its own recruitment rules, but usually there are deadlines for applying for participation in classes. Classes are payable - the tuition fee per semester ranges from 50 to 200 PLN. However, it is worth knowing that some courses are co-financed, for example, by local units - then their cost is zero.

As the interest in the lectures is high, it is worth following the websites. places of interest to us - often the order of application decides about admission.

University of the Third Age: for how many years?

The condition for participation in the classes of the University of the Third Age is usually the age (over 50, 55 or 60) or the status of a pensioner.
