MetrykaMnieNieTyka - this is the slogan of this year's edition of the "Bayer Barometer" opinion poll. This is the eighth edition of the project aimed at diagnosing awareness of important social phenomena. The latest research illustrates the life situation of seniors and the mutual perception of young and old people.
Today there are more people aged 60 or older in the world than ever before. By 2050, 2.1 billion people, or almost 22% of the population, will be at least 60 years old. The number of people aged 80 and over will more than triple by 2050 to almost 450 million. This is a huge potential, but also a challenge.
- The increasing number of older people means serious macroeconomic challenges for the private and public sectors. As demographic change puts pressure on he althcare costs and pension systems, the sustainability of he alth and pension services is becoming a key issue in the public debate. He alth and social care will have to become much more effective, says Markus B altzer, president of Bayer.
He alth: a priority for years
Older and younger agree: the most important value that gives a chance for a successful life in old age is he alth (58% and 48% of responses, respectively). Relations with a spouse or partner (35% and 42%) and family (20% compared to 22%) are next among the priorities. Developing hobbies and passions is more than twice as often indicated by young people (38% compared to 16%).
- Do I have an appetite for a good life? Always! - says Ewa Kasprzyk, actress - The appetite for life does not depend on the years - youth is for me a state of mind, not a birth certificate. I am glad that we talk about it more and more. You should be willing to try new things! Let us cultivate contacts with other people, let us take care of our diet, let us examine ourselves, be active physically and mentally, let us have passions. Let's do what gives us joy. I love walking with my dog, Szakira. I have new ideas all the time and I am not afraid to implement them. Because these dreams give a man wings - no matter how old he is!
What actions do we take to take care of our he alth?
A he althy diet, recreation, sleep, preventive examinations: this is a catalog of the most frequently mentioned activities aimed at maintaining good physical and mental condition. Young people seem to be more active in keeping fit than seniors.
Eating vegetables andfruit, limiting sugar - these are the most frequently mentioned elements of dietary care; however, they are more often indicated by young people. Movement in the open air is also the domain of young people (68% compared to 48%). Older people, on the other hand, more often indicate an adequate amount of sleep (60% compared to 56%).
Preventive examinations indicate 28% in both groups. Young people more often than seniors perceive the importance of systematic care for he alth and the legitimacy of performing preventive examinations, without specific indications due to age. This applies especially to eye tests (70% of indications for young people, 50% of seniors), but also for the heart (65% vs. 49%), lungs (58% vs. 48%), stomach (52% vs. 44%) and intestines (55% vs. 45%). Prostate prophylaxis is most strongly associated with age-appropriate prophylaxis - this opinion is shared by both the younger (50%) and the older (48%). Young people almost three times more often than older people declare their interest in using telemedicine solutions (46% compared to 16%).
What are we happy with today?
When asked to evaluate the areas of life with which they are most satisfied today, the respondents unanimously indicated successful social contacts and personal passions. The importance of contacts with people, especially with family, as well as with friends and acquaintances, is emphasized both by the elderly (respectively 8.42 and 8.49 points on a 10-point scale) and young people (8.43 and 7.96 points). .). In the next place, the respondents indicate their passions and interests, but for seniors they are slightly more important than for the young (7.64 points against 7.48 points). The material situation or the implementation of professional plans is of less importance for the feeling of satisfaction with one's own life - for both groups.
Interesting conclusions can be drawn from the assessment of rural and urban residents: the latter more often emphasize the feeling of loneliness (34% compared to 27% of rural residents). On the other hand, inhabitants of villages indicate a higher number of acquaintances and friends than people from larger centers (4.38 compared to 3.94).
- It is important that different generations, inhabitants of towns and villages, can live together, contribute to their own happiness and the happiness of others, take care of he alth, nature, help each other - says sociologist, Dr. Izabella Anuszewska from the Kantar Institute Poland.
When does old age begin?
The respondents were asked if they felt proportionate to their age. While nearly 85% of the elderly feel as old as they are, the diversity among the young is greater. Every fifth young person feels that he has more than his birth certificate indicates, and another 1/5 - less. When does old age begin? According to older respondents - at the age of 67, and younger - 60.
Together withentering the retirement age, the percentage of economically active people drops significantly - only a few retirees work at least part-time. Over 1/3 of seniors are involved in various aspects of family life. Most often - by preparing meals (38.9% of responses), taking care of children (38.8%), helping with cleaning and housework (32.8%) and making purchasing decisions (31.7%).
"Silver economy" and its potential
- Progress in the field of medicine causes a radical extension of life, but at the same time changes the structure of society - says prof. Witold Orłowski, economist - The share of elderly people is growing rapidly. This also applies to Poland, which, according to forecasts, will be one of the fastest aging countries in Europe. This means completely different consumer needs: the production of goods and services for the elderly will become the largest sector of the economy, with care and he alth protection at the forefront, as well as spending free time and keeping active. The model of life will also probably change, and the period of professional activity will extend. Apart from the rapid technological changes related to the "fourth industrial revolution", the development of the "silver economy" will probably be the most important economic trend in Western countries in the coming decades.