In hot weather, some diseases become more troublesome, such as cardiovascular diseases. Check why this is so and what are the ways to relieve unpleasant symptoms that intensify during heat. Let's enjoy the summer, but at the same time remember the warnings of our experts.
Heatis not the best time for people with cardiovascular diseases and heart diseases. If you have varicose veins, high blood pressure or you are a heart heart, you should follow the advice of our specialists. Check what to do when outsideheat ?
Heat, heart disease and hypertension
With a temperature above 25 degrees Celsius, maintaining the proper body temperature becomes a priority for the human body. Blood vessels dilate, the heart beats faster and we start to sweat intensely - this is how the human body tries to protect itself from overheating, which results, among others, in dehydration of the body and lowering blood pressure.
These seemingly harmless symptoms can be life threatening for people with cardiovascular diseases. The ability to precisely regulate blood pressure and keep the body hydrated may be impaired in the elderly and people with cardiovascular disease.
It is for them that hot days are a serious threat. Especially they should remember about the basic indications of doctors during heat waves, which include:
- more frequent pressure measurements
- adequate hydration of the body
- avoiding being in the sun for too long
For people undergoing treatment for high blood pressure, a hot day can act as an extra, unplanned dose of an antihypertensive drug. Patients with cardiovascular diseases should discuss with their doctor what to do in high summer temperatures.
- In hot summers, you need common sense and the right amount of fluids. Common sense in the sense that if someone is already 80 years old and has had two heart attacks, then the Nordic walking training should be shortened or carried out with an instructor. In Poland, we have more and more access to clubs for seniors and people of working age, as well as physical recreation clubs. A common sense approach to the extremethe weather is obviously needed ”- says prof. Tomasz Zdrojewski from the Department of Hypertension and Diabetology at the Medical University of Gdańsk, member of the Expert Council of the "Pressure for Life" campaign.
In summer, it is worth checking your blood pressure values more often. The correct pressure should be between 120/80 and 139/89 mm Hg. If the blood pressure monitor shows a result above 140/90 mmHg, it is already an overpressure signal.
People who have diagnosed elevated blood pressure (>140/90 mmHg) during home measurements should see a doctor in order to verify whether they suffer from hypertension and obtain appropriate recommendations.
What else should people with cardiac diseases do in hot weather? - People who have heart problems should protect themselves from the intense sun, rest in partial shade, and protect their heads from the sun's rays. I do not recommend trips to the tropics or trips to the mountains. High temperature means that the body focuses all energy on fighting the heat. Therefore, on hot days, we should avoid fatty, hardly digestible and pressure-raising food in order not to additionally burden the body - says Dr. Renata Houwald-Koronacka, cardiologist.
- Let's switch to light meals and drink at least 2 liters of fluids a day to avoid dehydration. Cardiacs should set aside coffee and alcohol in hot weather. In people with heart disease, high ambient temperature can cause shortness of breath and chest pain, and the tendency to blood clots increases.
People suffering from hypertension who notice a dry, tiring night cough, frequent urination, shaking hands, sweating, dizziness, should contact their doctor immediately.
Heat and spider veins and varicose veins
- People who have the so-called spider veins or varicose veins, they should pay more attention to them in summer. Mainly because the veins do not like high temperatures. So ladies should refrain from depilating their legs with hot wax and do not expose them to prolonged sunlight. If we are facing a long plane journey, let's wear loose-fitting clothes and socks that won't constrict the calves. During the flight, it is not possible to place the legs above the heart, but let's try to move the feet, tighten the calf muscles to help the blood drain from the legs - says Prof. Walerian Staszkiewicz, vascular surgeon.
- If we are driving a car, stop every now and then and walk a bit to activate the calf muscle pump, which will stimulate the blood to circulate faster. For long walks, it is worth having shoes with a wide toe and a flexible sole so that the muscles of the feet and calves areit worked flawlessly. If there is an opportunity, let's go barefoot, because it is an excellent massage that stimulates circulation in the legs and facilitates the drainage of blood towards the heart.
Venous circulation is also improved by recreational cycling, swimming and dancing. People with vein problems should not lift heavy loads, so even walking with a heavy backpack is inadvisable for them. Before going on vacation, it is worth supporting the body by taking - after consulting a doctor - preparations that strengthen the blood vessels and work for at least a week.
The heat can be life-threatening
The article uses press materials of the organizers of the nationwide Social Campaign "Pressure for Life".
Video source: NewsrmTV
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