In Poland, 300-400 people have a heart attack every day. And these are people who are getting younger and younger. What can we do to support our life-giving pump? Here's a seven-day plan for heart he alth: diet, exercise, quit smoking, stress management, sex and fun.

Our recipe is simple: give your heart seven days, and then just duplicate this "hearty week". It really does not require any effort or financial outlay. On the contrary. You can save and repair your he alth on this program. So - let's go!
Week for the heart: Sunday - examination of conscience
This is the best day to analyze your behavior, find mistakes and figure out how to improve. So do an examination of your conscience and answer a few questions honestly.
- Are you over 40?
- My BMI is above 25?
- My blood pressure is higher than 120/80 mm Hg?
- Total cholesterollevelis more than 200 mg / dL?
- I smoke cigarettes?
- I drink more than 0.5 liters of strong alcohol a week?
- I don't move much: I don't exercise every day, I don't do any sports?
- I can't deal with stress?
If "Yes" was answered more than 4 times - do not hesitate. Take care of your heart.
A week for the heart: Monday - a date with vegetables
Excess "bad" cholesterol (LDL), which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, can be fought with diet. It should contain products rich in fiber (i.e. vegetables, fruit, coarse grain bread, groats, paddy rice, corn, beans), as well as vitamins A, C and E (vegetables, fruits, olive oil and green tea, sunflower seeds, nuts, almonds).
LDL rises when we eat a lot of animal fat (fatty meat, lard, butter, cream). Therefore, keep these products to a minimum, and make sure that your diet includes: magnesium - provides the heart with energy and stimulates it to contract (plums, walnuts), potassium - lowers blood pressure (potatoes, melons, avocados, peaches, beets, beans), omega-3 fatty acids - regulate the heart rhythm (linseed oil, seafood).
A week for the heart: Tuesday - farewell to a cigarette
There are over four thousand harmful substances in nicotine smokethey have a bad effect not only on the lungs, but also on the circulatory system. Among other things, they increase blood clotting and the tendency of platelets to stick together. In addition, they damage the cells of the endothelial lining from the inside - the walls of the blood vessels become porous, and then cholesterol settles in them more easily. So smoking accelerates the atherosclerotic process.
If we smoke, and at the same time we have diabetes, hypertension or high blood cholesterol, we probably have a heart attack.
So, starting today, try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke to a few cigarettes, and it's best to quit this addiction!
A week for the heart: Wednesday - movement above everything
As a result of systematic exercise, the network of small blood vessels doubles and their cross-section increases. This allows more blood to flow through them. As more oxygen reaches the body, its blood content also increases. Myocardial hypertrophy, especially of the left ventricle, and its efficiency increases. The heart becomes strong and has more tiny coronary vessels. By exercising regularly, you can also lower the levels of "bad" cholesterol and sugar in the blood, and lower your blood pressure.
Starting today, start moving. Use the "3x30x130" principle - that is, at least 30 minutes of exercise for 30 minutes a week at least enough for your heart rate to be 130 beats per minute (up to the age of 30 you can be 150). For the heart, systematic exercises are recommended, performed at a steady pace, such as swimming, jogging, cycling.
You must do itCheck once a year:
- Blood cholesterol level: Total cholesterol should not exceed 200 mg / dL. If it is taller or someone in your family has had heart disease, check your cholesterol fractions: LDL (bad) should be less than 130 mg / dL, HDL (good) greater than 40 mg / dL.
- Blood triglycerides: should be less than 180 mg / dL.
- Blood sugar level: its high concentration damages blood vessels, which increases the risk of coronary heart disease up to five times. Normal when tested on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours after the last meal) is 60-100 mg%.
ATTENTION! Measure your blood pressure at least twice a year: ideal is 120/80 mm Hg, still normal - 139/89 mm Hg.
A week for the heart: Thursday - think about hormones
Men no longer have a monopoly on heart attacks. The women caught up with them in this race. It is true that the sex hormones produced in the ovaries - estrogens - are a natural protection against heart disease (thanks to them, the blood vessels retain their elasticity, it is more difficult tocholesterol particles build up in the walls of the arteries, the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood is lower.
Unfortunately, with age, the body begins to produce less and less protective estrogens. Many cardiologists believe that a woman nearing the menopause should consider starting hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Supplementing hormonal deficiencies by more than half reduces the risk of a heart attack.
A week for the heart: Friday - don't get stressed
When suddenly we deal with a stressful situation - for example, we lose our job or family problems make us live in constant tension - the adrenal glands begin to throw into the blood a huge dose of the so-called catecholamines (including adrenaline, commonly known as the stress hormone). They accelerate the heart rate, raise blood pressure, and cause a sudden spasm of the arteries, which may end in a heart attack.
To work for the heart, it is enough to avoid situations that cause stress. We know, however, that it is impossible. So let's learn to relieve tension.
From today, when something upsets you: don't choke your anger, but shout it out or at least smash your plate on the floor; breathe deeply and rhythmically; count slowly to ten; talk honestly about your problems with family and friends. How about signing up for a meditation course today?
A week for the heart: Saturday - all pleasures
A walk, sex and a glass of red wine will do your heart good. A walk is both outdoor activity (i.e. good oxygenation of the body) and pleasure - if we go on it in good company. A glass of dry red wine with dinner has a positive effect on the heart and circulatory system. This drink contains polyphenols - substances that have an anti-atherosclerotic effect and slightly increase the level of "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.
On the other hand, sex is the best pill for the heart: it triggers positive emotions, oxygenates the body, and accelerates metabolic changes. (One month after a successful heart transplant, you can have normal intercourse!)
So, from now on, permanently write in your schedule: a walk every day, a glass of red wine with dinner, and whenever you feel like it - a passionate evening for two.
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