Each jump into the water can become a disability, even if it is performed by a person who swims well and jumps well. The most dangerous is the jump on the "head", which may result in damage to the spinal cord. It is irreversible and disabled for the rest of your life. Check what the consequences of jumping into the water can be, how to avoid an accident by the water and how to provide first aid when it happens.
Hundreds of young people break the spine as a result ofjumping into the waterevery summer. Most often they are teenage boys and young men. What is their syntax to perform an often tragic jump?
These are alcohol, drugs, boosters, bravado, the willingness to show off in front of colleagues, overestimate your own skills, succumbing to persuasion, bathing in unguarded places, marked with a red flag or a sign prohibiting bathing or jumping into the water. Unfortunate jumps can occur not only at the river or lake, but also in hotels.
In holiday resorts, for several years there has been a trend forbalconying , i.e. jumping into swimming pools from hotel balconies.
Unfortunate jump into the water - effects
In some cases, a jump into the water ends with an injury to the spine without damaging the spinal cord. Then the injured person has a feeling, he can move his limbs. However, if first aid is not given properly, a broken spine can damage the spine, even if it was left intact during the unfortunate jump.
If the victim receives professional help and there is no spinal damage, the prognosis is good. In spine injuries without spinal cord damage, surgery is usually performed to fix the spine with screws and rods, or to implant an implant. In lighter cases, it may only be necessary to wear an orthopedic corset.
Each jump into the water may cause disability. It can happen to anyone, even if they are good swimmers and great jumpers.
However, roughly half of any diving-related spinal cord injuries end up with a spinal cord injury. What are the consequences of this? It depends on the site of the injury. The most common paralysis occurs at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra, then the patient retains control over the muscles that abduct the arms or the elbow flexors. And it can dominimal arm movements.
It is less common to damage the spine in a high section - in the first, second and third cervical vertebrae - which means quadriplegia (the patient must not move the legs and arms).
In very severe cases, apart from tetraplegia, the respiratory system may also be disturbed. Then a respirator is essential - a machine that breathes for the patient.
ImportantDangerous places are not only those marked with a sign or a red flag prohibiting bathing. Any place is potentially dangerous, it can become a "black spot", so be careful wherever you are near the water. It is best to bathe where there are WOPR rescuers. In the event of an accident, professional first aid may save your life.
Jump into the water - first aid
If a person jumps into the water and does not come out, you need to help him in the right way. The injured should be placed on his back in the water and his head should be immobilized.
NEVER take your arms or legs out of the water. It is also forbidden to take the victim in your hand!
While giving aid, do not make any sudden movements. You should also check if he is breathing. If so, wait for help in the water. If not, pull the victim ashore, immobilize the head (a backpack, sweatshirt, towel can be used to make a makeshift neck collar) and start resuscitation. When pulling ashore, remember that you NEVER take your arms or legs out of the water. It is also forbidden to take the victim in your hand.
Jump into the water - how to avoid an accident?
1. Do not enter water after drinking alcohol or drugs. People under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of such substances most often drown. 2. Do not enter the water immediately after sunbathing - it may result in thermal shock or loss of consciousness. 3. After entering the water, first cool the area of the heart, neck and face.
Before jumping, always check the bottom and depth of the water reservoir you are going to jump into. Be careful not to jump on anything or anyone.
4. Use only places where a lifeguard is responsible for the safety of water users. 5. Do not jump into the water "head", especially if you do not know the depth of the water. Such a jump can lead to back injuries and disability. 6. If you see a red flag at a guarded bathing beach or no flag is displayed - bathing is prohibited. 7. If you are caring for a baby, always stay with him when he enters the water. 8. Do not bathe right after eating - waitat least half an hour 9. If you use water equipment, make sure that it is functional, and that children and non-swimmers are properly secured - wearing special vests. 10 It is best to enter the water in a group, or at least with a second one. person.
Source: Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Krakow, wsse.krakow.pl
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