Movement is he alth! Unfortunately, we tend to disregard this wisdom. It's a pity, because our tired, overloaded spine will finally make itself felt. Daily exercise, walking, hiking, and comfortable shoes are the best ways to avoid back pain.
Othe spinehas to be cared for from an early age. And it is not at all difficult or too burdensome. It does not require special sacrifices or time. It is enough to remember a few simple rules and follow them in everyday life. Thanks to this, we will keep a shapely, slim figure, keep fit, avoid minor ailments and more serious diseases.
Good for the spine: changing position frequently
If you are ironing or standing by the pots, periodically shift your weight from one leg to the other or alternately rest your legs on a low stool. Flower beds, kneeling on your lap. When you are sitting down, take a short break every half an hour to stretch your bones. Sit straight on the edge of the chair with your arms dropped loosely along your body and your feet on the floor. While inhaling deeply, press your feet against the floor and pull your back up as if you want to touch your head to the ceiling. As you slowly exhale, gradually ease the pressure on your feet and keep your back relaxed. Stretch like a cat, inhaling deeply. Take a break every hour when traveling by car.

Homemade SOS
When back pain is not too strong, home remedies will bring relief.
- If your neck hurts, do not make any sudden head movements as this will aggravate the ailment. You can gently rub peat ointment, peppermint oil or arnica tincture into the skin of the neck and nape - they have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Soreness and stiffness of the neck or back will be eliminated by a warm bath with the addition of a few drops of rosemary or cedar oil, a visit to the sauna or bath - the heat relaxes the muscles, and this relieves pain and improves joint mobility.
- Relaxation will help you overcome the low back pain accompanying menstruation. Go to the movies, go for a walk or meet friends. Drink a relaxing infusion of Roman chamomile or mint, or a calming infusion of lemon balm. A warm compress on the lower abdomen also works well.
Good for the spine: gymnastics is the key
In order for the circles and discs to be in good shape, they must beproperly loaded. Otherwise, they absorb all the nutrients worse and wear out prematurely. In addition, the lack of exercise causes the muscles to lose flexibility and stop supporting the spine. The best way to strengthen your muscles and bones isgymnastics . For the exercises to be effective, you need to do them systematically, preferably twice a day, even for 5 minutes. Start with simple exercises, gradually increasing their difficulty and time.
Good for the spine: vitamins and calcium
Bones need not only calcium (milk and its products, sardines with bones), but also vitamin D, thanks to which calcium is properly absorbed. In spring and summer, this vitamin is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Bones also need phosphorus (grains, fish, beans, peas) and vitamin C (citrus) - it is involved in the synthesis of collagen, an important component of bones. Muscles do well with magnesium (buckwheat, oatmeal, beans, chocolate), vitamin E (vegetable oils) and B (legumes, yeast, liver). You need to eat everything, but in moderation. Meals should not be plentiful, but regular (4-5 times a day). Then the body will use up all the nutrients and will not stock up on extra kilos.
Good for the spine: a he althy sleep on the right bed
During sleep, the spine should be relieved and the muscles relaxed. To make this possible, forget about a collapsing sofa or a sponge mattress. The bed must be even, not too hard, but also not too soft and springy. When it is too soft or too hard, the spine bends incorrectly, which promotes degeneration. Properly selected, it perfectly fits the natural shape of the body, giving the spine the necessary support. The he althiest is a mattress with a thickness adjusted to the weight of the body, placed on a hard frame. It is worth trying different ones to choose the most convenient one for you. It is better to put a cot under your head instead of a pillow.
Good for the spine: weight management
Toobesitythe vertebrae and the discs cannot adapt, so they deform irreversibly over time. When fat is deposited on the belly, it pulls the spine forward. This leads to excessive lordosis and overload in the lumbar region. In addition, then the abdominal muscles become lazy, which are not able to support the spine.
Good for the spine: upright silhouette
Head centered, lines connecting the shoulders and hips parallel to each other, neck straightened, arms freely lowered, shoulder blades slightly tucked, chestforward facing, tucked in belly and drawn buttocks. Do you look like this? This is a safe body posture. It ensures an even load on the vertebrae, joints and discs, protecting against posture defects and degenerations. You need to develop a habit of tightening the muscles of your abdomen and buttocks, because they are an important support for the spine.
Good for the spine: rest and relaxation
One is helped by a warm bath with the addition of s alt or oil that smells of flowers, herbs or the sea breeze. Others prefer a session in the sauna. Yoga, relaxing music and meditation work well on the nerves. It's a good idea to do a simple breathing exercise at the end of a hard day. Sit on the floor on your heels, fold your arms in front of you so that your palms and fingers are pressed tightly together. Close your eyes and relax. Inhale slowly (at a time) and let out slowly (in two). When you feel relaxed, think about something pleasant. Start with 5 minutes and continue to 20.
Good for the spine: a contoured desk and a comfortable chair
Hunching back, like sitting sideways, increases pressure on your spine. To avoid this, a chair (adjustable in height and elbow supports) and a desk (with a square or rectangular top) must be adjusted to your height. When the chair is in the tilted position, your feet should rest freely on the floor, your hips and knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle, and both elbow-length arms should rest on the tabletop. This position makes it impossible to lean sideways. The backrest must be contoured (curved in the lumbar region) so that the back rests against its entire length. Place the monitor in front of your face, not to the side.
Good for the spine: backpack instead of heavy nets
It is impossible to completely eliminate heavy lifting from our daily lives, but you can minimize its effects. Replace the shoulder bag with a backpack, one net with shopping bags - two and carry it in both hands to evenly load both sides of the body. If you are carrying something heavy, hold it as close to you as possible in both hands. Avoid lifting loads with straight legs or twisting your torso - it may fall out of the disc. Even tying the shoes standing up exposes the sacral area to injury! When washing the bathtub, it's best to get down on your knees.
Good for the spine: an adapted car
Adjust the seat so that your knees are slightly bent, your thighs are horizontal to the ground, and that all devices are within easy reach. Nothing should obstruct your access to the pedals and gear stick. If the backrest is not properly contoured, place a special pillow at the level of the lumbar section, which will support the spine and absorb shocks (you can buy it in a hardware store).rehabilitation). When you are traveling in the passenger seat and want to get some sleep, put a croissant pillow around your neck to prevent the head from bending and straining the muscles around the cervical spine.
Good for the spine: shoes with a stable heel
Narrow shoes with very high heels have a bad opinion among orthopedists, as they deform the feet and force the spine to be unnaturally positioned and muscles tighten. That doesn't mean you shouldn't wear high heels at all. However, use common sense when buying high-heeled shoes. Pay attention to the fact that the heels are stable and the shoes are properly adjusted to the foot, because any stumbling or tilting the foot can cause back injury. He is also harmed by the sudden change of high heels to completely flat shoes. The spine adapts to the height of the shoe, and therefore reacts to large changes with overload and back pain.
Good for the spine: walking and hiking
While walking, the bones are affected by gravitational forces which, in combination with the varying muscle tension, reduce bone loss and strengthen the muscles of the spine. Every day you have to walk for 30 minutes with a vigorous step and waving your arms, even when it is raining or blowing outside the window. You can take your iPod - the music keeps you going at the right pace. It is worth using every moment to move, e.g. instead of taking the elevator, go up the stairs, get off the bus earlier.
Good for the spine: sport
Swimming is best for the spine, especially on the back. It strengthens the muscles, relaxes, and shapes the smoothness and harmony of movements. That is why it is recommended to everyone, regardless of age. Cycling is also a good sport. However, it is better to give up the racing bike, because it forces an unnatural posture. Driving on uneven ground is inadvisable - due to harmful shocks. You can ski, preferably cross-country skiing, play volleyball, run on a smooth surface. In order not to get injured, it is better to do strength exercises under the supervision of a specialist in the gym than at home.
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