New generation eyeglass lenses not only improve the comfort and quality of vision, they also protect the eyes from the harmful effects of light and adapt to the most sophisticated needs of the user. How are high-index and PNX 1.53 lenses different from traditional mineral lenses? Who should choose indoor and outdoor progressive lenses? What's new on the market of photochromes, coatings and eyeglass filters?
Modern eyeglass lenses combine many more functions, and thanks to advanced technology, they flexibly support the precision of vision in all conditions. Here are modern solutions.
Spectacle lenses: lightweight and durable
Gradually, there is a shift from mineral lenses (glass) to organic ones, made of plastics. The latter are lighter than glass ones, and their weight can be additionally reduced - the so-calledhigh index lenses , thinner than standard lenses of the same power, which is especially important for people with severe visual impairment.
For them, high-index lenses have an additional aesthetic value, the eyes look natural even at high powers (plus lenses do not enlarge, minus lenses do not optically reduce the eyes).
Organic lenses are more durable than glass lenses, safer to use. Contrary to glass lenses, recommended only for full frames, organic lenses can also be mounted on string frames (i.e. those with a line on the bottom of the lens) and patent frames (in these frames the lenses lack the surrounding frame, temples are mounted directly to the lens).
A novelty are the super-durable PNX 1.53 lenses, designed for children and people who lead an active lifestyle and go in for sports.
PNX 1.53 is the lightest material used in eyeglass optics; nevertheless, the PNX lens - although it can scratch like any organic lens - is extremely durable.
In tests it withstands pressure up to 60-80 kg and a steel ball impact of 1 kg falling from a height of 1.2 m. It is perfect for people practicing contact and extreme sports.
Worth knowingGlasses with anti-reflective coating should not be cleaned with wet wipes - they are soaked with liquid,the composition of which is sometimes alcohol or other ingredients that can destroy the coating, as well as adversely affect the frame of the glasses. It is best to clean them with a microfiber cloth.
Innovative progressive lenses
Progressive lenses are a kind of a more advanced version of bifocals, which allow you to combine distance and near vision in one frame (a reading lens is mounted at the bottom of the frame).
Both solutions are a response to the phenomenon of presbyopia (presbyopia). It consists in the fact that after the age of 40 the eye lens becomes less flexible and loses the ability to accommodate, or "focus" on objects at different distances.
We see less and less clearly, especially at close range - we need different lenses for distance and different lenses for reading. In standard progressive lenses, the optical field through which we see sharply resembles a flattened hourglass with wide bases: the upper part allows you to see distant objects, the lower one is for close-up reading, and the narrowest, middle field - for intermediate distances.
Currently, progressive lenses can be profiled depending on what we most often use them for. A driver should havelenses with a wide field of visionfor distance that allows you to see well what is far in front of the hood, and with a fairly wide field to intermediate distances to clearly see mirrors, instruments on the dashboard and GPS screen at arm's length (outdoor version).
In turn, a person working a lot indoors will prefer the so-calledoffice glasses(indoor version), allowing you to read up close and see objects in the room clearly, i.e. both the text from the sheet on the desk and the slightly more distant computer screen or the interlocutor sitting on the other side of the desk.
The intermediate zone in office lenses is wider than in standard progressive lenses and provides sharp vision at a distance of 80 cm to even 4 m.
New are progressive lenses with Double Surface Technology; it gives a wider field of view and facilitates shifting eyesight between the distance zone and the near zone, providing a stable image without the "swimming" effect.
As the producers assure, thanks to this technology the user's eye adapts more easily to the use of progressive glasses.
Modern photochromic lenses
The advantage of modern photochromic lenses, i.e. darkening in intense light, is the speedrespond to changing conditions.
Darken in just 30 seconds; it takes about 5 minutes to return to full transparency. They improve the visual comfort of people sensitive to light, also on cloudy days; are constructed in such a way that darkening under the influence of light does not disturb the contrasting vision.
Photochromic lenses are most often available in brown (caramel) and gray. Gray lenses give a better reflection of the colors. The caramel color, on the other hand, improves the contrast and depth perception, and with increasing sunlight it turns into brown.
New products include a gray-green shade, which gives a more faithful color perception, and photochromic lenses, which at the same time dimming give the effect of a SLR.
Innovative photochromes, recommended especially for drivers, darken to approx. 50% of the color, also when we are sitting in the car cabin, at temperatures up to 27 ° C (in the interior of the car, the reaction of photochromic lenses is usually hindered by filters in car windows) .
In the latest photochromes, the dimming effect at extremely high temperatures has also been improved.
The light-reactive effect is already used in the lenses of sunglasses; they are factory-tinted and darken even more when exposed to light.
Modern eyeglass lenses: coatings and filters
All spectacle lenses - whether single vision, bifocal, progressive or photochromic - can be ordered with filters and coatings with a variety of functions.
- Anti-reflective coatingsreduce troublesome glare, improving the comfort of vision over water, when the road surface is wet, and reduce the glare effect of the headlights of oncoming cars. At the same time, they increase the resistance of the lenses to scratches, and also prevent the adhesion of dust (antistatic function), grease (oleophobic) and water (hydrophobic) particles, which reduces steam settling and keeps the lenses more transparent, e.g. when walking in the rain.
- Filters blocking UV radiationare now widely used not only in sunglasses and photochromic glasses, but also in white ones. New are lenses that also eliminate the UV radiation that reaches the eye from the inside of the lens.
- Filter selectively neutralizing blue-violet light(Blue Control, Blue Blocker, Blue Cut, Prevencia) emitted by digital device screens and LED headlight bulbs improves the contrast of vision, and above all protects the eye from premature for alldying of retinal cells and delays the process of macular degeneration.
- The polarizing filter eliminates glarereflecting from surfaces, mainly smooth (over water, on snow, on a wet road surface), and additionally significantly improves the contrast, color saturation and depth of view in poor visibility (rain, snow). Polarizing filter lenses are especially recommended for drivers, skiers, mountaineers, anglers and water sports. A novelty are photochromic lenses with a variable polarization function. They remain transparent inside the rooms, and outside under the influence of UV radiation they darken and at the same time provide a polarizing effect, but the stronger the tinting of the lenses under the influence of light, the stronger the polarizing filter becomes.
Lenses for reading on small screens
The latest cry of optical fashion is ultra-close range lenses, designed for smartphone and tablet users. The lower part of such a lens has additional more power (for people aged 20-34 years, the power is increased by 0.4 diopters, for people aged 35-44 years by 0.6 diopters, and for users over 45 years old - by 0, 85 diopters). In the intention of the manufacturers, these lenses are to support the eye's accommodative effort, reducing fatigue even after prolonged use of the smartphone, they provide better vision of small characters and allow you to avoid bent posture when using the phone.