You can hear about the miraculous properties of magnesium from everywhere and the need to supplement it. Is it true? What to consider when choosing the most suitable preparation for you?
Advertisesmagnesiumas a remedy for cramps, stress, lack of concentration, fatigue, hypertension, painful periods. How much truth is there in that? Indeed, it is one of the most important elements. It has been proven that it activates nearly 300 enzymes. It takes part in protein biosynthesis, nerve conduction, muscle contractility, thermoregulation processes and bone mineralization. In many cases, it must be supplemented. How to choose a preparation that will meet our needs?
Magnesium: supplement or drug?
There are two categories of magnesium preparations available in pharmacies: dietary supplements or medicinal products. Magnesium as a medicine (or a medicinal product) is intended for people suffering from ailments resulting from a deficiency of this element, e.g. they often have cramps. The drug is a product that has been thoroughly tested for effectiveness in the treatment of ailments (caused by magnesium deficiency) and taking it according to the instructions contained in the leaflet guarantees the cure of the disease.
How to distinguish supplements from drugs? Each preparation of this type must have a clear information on the packaging, near the name, that it is a dietary supplement.
And dietary supplements - according to Polish legislation - are food products. Their goal is to supplement the correct diet with certain necessary ingredients (vitamins, minerals, herbal raw materials). They should be used primarily by people whose diet may lack magnesium or those who show an increased demand for this element. The doses of magnesium contained in dietary supplements cover its daily requirement. However, these are not therapeutic doses.
Chelates, organic and inorganic magnesium s alt
Magnesium circulates in the human body in the form of ions, but delivered to it from the outside, it must be a chemical compound of the magnesium ion and the acid residue, i.e. in the form of a s alt. What is the importance of the type of magnesium s alt? Well, it determines the bioavailability (bioretention) of this element. The higher the absorption of magnesium s alts, the more ions of this element will be in the body, so it seems natural to choose products for which this parameter will bethe most favorable.
Magnesium preparations available in Poland can be divided into two groups in terms of the type of s alt used in them: organic and inorganic. The organic ones include citrate, hydroaspartame, lactate, aspartate, and gluconate. The inorganic magnesium compounds include: carbonate, oxide and chloride. There are also preparations containing magnesium chelates available on the market.
Research has shown that organic magnesium s alts have a much better bioavailability than inorganic ones. In the case of citrate or lactate, it is even 90%, while carbonate is absorbed only 30% and the oxide only 4%. There are no reliable studies determining the bioavailability of magnesium from chelates, although their producers attribute the highest value to this parameter to them.
Magnesium with additives
Magnesium is very rarely the only component of preparations intended to supplement its deficiencies. It is generally combined with additional minerals, vitamins or even herbal ingredients to enhance its effects.
The type of additives is one of the most important criteria for selecting a magnesium preparation that meets specific needs and expectations.
Its most common combination with vitamin B6. This is due to the fact that it increases the effectiveness of magnesium by increasing its absorption up to 40%, and facilitates the transport of this element to cells and reduces its excretion in the urine, which helps to increase its intracellular stores.
Potassium is very often added to magnesium preparations. It is an equally important element - an activator of many enzymes, which regulates the water balance in the body and is essential for maintaining normal blood pressure.
It is also responsible for the proper work of the heart. Its deficiency can lead to constipation, loss of appetite, irregular heartbeat, muscle problems, concentration disorders, sleep problems and cramps. And it is in the preparations to combat the latter ailment that you can most often find both magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6.
Of course, there are many more vitamins, minerals and herbal ingredients added to magnesium. This diversity and richness of ingredients especially applies to dietary supplements, which are sometimes intended for specific groups of recipients: young people, the elderly, stressed, coffee drinkers, tired, active …
ImportantWho is magnesium supplementation for?
The greatest amounts of magnesium are found in nuts, seeds, wholemeal flours, soybeans, unrefined rice, groats, dried fruits, a lot of magnesium is also in fresh vegetables, and traceamounts in meat and milk.
In the modern world, however, it is difficult to find such a rich and correct diet, which is why magnesium supplementation is sometimes necessary. Schoolchildren, students and people who work hard mentally are most at risk of magnesium deficiency.
Also people who live under constant stress and work hard physically. In addition, magnesium should be supplemented by pregnant women and menopausal women, as well as people on restrictive slimming diets.