Retirement is a huge life change. Initially, her enthusiasm may accompany her, but also anger, discouragement and apathy may soon follow. This is because everyday life has lost the specific organizational structure that work provided. And this comes with a lack of purpose and often unfortunate decisions. So what not to do in retirement to give your everyday functioning a new glow? Here are some tips.
1. Don't give up on your discipline
The first days after retirement are often full of joy. You can sit up late at night and get up just as late, do whatever you lacked time for, bustle around the house, tidy up, plan… But unfortunately sooner or later something like an existential crisis may appear. Then people realize that life has lost its "schedule", order and organization. What to do with so much free time? Paradoxically, the lack of an unambiguous answer to this question sometimes even translates into depressive states.
It is worth remembering that the joy of life combined with light discipline is the best remedy for such states. So it's good to sit down for a moment and think deeply. People need he althy habits and various structures to function more efficiently and - surprisingly - more pleasantly. What do you have to think about? First of all, think about your interests, determine what gives you pleasure, do your own "research" in this area. It will be useful to have a to-do list to provide much-needed discipline on a daily basis. New he althy habits are also important - related to sports or any outdoor activities, your favorite creative activities. This way, a new organizational plan will emerge that will protect you from the depressing feeling of walking alone around the house with no known purpose.
2. Don't suddenly reduce your home
It often happens that a retirement pension is associated with a quick decision to reduce the house or flat, more precisely: to sell the current one and buy a smaller one. This, in turn, is not always a good solution. Yes, it can bring a one-time injection of cash, but you have to remember about the downsides of doing so.
First of all, you get a second big change (the first is retirement), which is stressful andemotionally engaging - especially when you have lived in the same place for many years. Plus, you leave a lot of the "old" with your home - neighbors, friends, and generally anything that makes you feel ingrained. In a situation where retirement is often accompanied by a feeling of loneliness and the lack of a set goal, the move will further aggravate these negative phenomena.
Another thing, is it really necessary to sell a bigger apartment? It is worth looking at the costs - if you pay little for a flat every month and, for example, you have managed to deal with a mortgage, the decision to sell it is best at least postponed. You can also get cash by renting a room or even a garage, and you still manage to stay in a well-known place.
3. Don't get rid of your savings
Lots of free time is also a good opportunity to do some shopping. And here you can get into a difficult situation. Especially in Poland, the amount of the old-age pension is not impressive, a lot depends on the individual situation, savings made, investment in funds, additional pillars, etc. However, financial discipline is recommended from the first days of retirement. You have to remember that no one has found an eternal vacation, during which you can be light on money. So what to do?
First, take a look at the things in the house. The unnecessary ones should be sold as soon as possible. Retirement is a good time to do a general cleanup and keep only what will be useful or close to your heart. You should also pay attention to prices during everyday and occasional shopping - lower does not always mean worse quality. Simply put, we diligently control the budget, especially debits and credit cards and … our own purchasing impulses (is it really worth spending money on something?). Unfortunately, it is easy for seniors to fall into debt because they have much less income and additional work options than even young people. And getting out of the debt spiral is a difficult process, full of stress and bad emotions. And finally - you have to remember about the statutory benefits related to the age. There are discounts in many places that you must take advantage of.
4. Do not neglect your property matters
The inevitable will come eventually, so it's worth taking care of property matters. You can make a will even at a very young age without worrying about it in the future. Contrary to appearances, this is an important matter, because by organizing property issues, as well as inheritance, everything makes everything easier for your loved ones.
5. Don't expect family relationships to change
The family is a complicated cellsocial, and with retirement, relationships with both children and grandchildren may change. First of all, children can "treat" a role swap - they will suddenly feel that they need to look after their parent, and they will also start telling the retiree what to do. Another possible situation is that children are expected to have more support or companionship, and this is difficult to achieve (they are still working, have their time obligations). The children themselves may also have their own expectations, e.g. related to looking after their grandchildren. This may affect the plans of a newly minted pensioner and it should be remembered about it, and it is best to redefine the roles in the family, emphasizing at the same time that everyone needs time for himself (the pensioner has worked all his life for that).
Another challenge is the re-shaped relationship with grandchildren. Retirement is a great opportunity to spend more time with them - to be inspired by youthful joy and energy, learn new technologies and what is "trendy" (i.e. always be up to date), as well as provide them with advice, be specific mentor. At the same time, it must be remembered that the younger generations live much faster and their thoughts travel in many directions. Therefore, you should put a lot of energy into maintaining a relationship with them, accepting that sometimes they may - unconsciously - forget about their grandparents.
6. Don't be afraid to try new things
Better to forget about conservative retirement, based on leisurely spending time and mainly with the family. Instead, it's worth trying new things, and turning your passions and interests into a new career. An excellent example is given by granfluencers who, even over the age of 90, actively maintain accounts on social media, sharing their experiences or thoughts. Retirement is also a great time to awaken entrepreneurship - you can easily start a new business, e.g. one for which there was no time during your professional activity. It is also good to think about additional education - universities of the third age will be helpful here. New activities will add more energy, let you meet people and extend your life!
7. Don't get lonely
Loneliness and falling into social isolation is a big problem among retirees. It is worth being aware of this and remedying it in advance. Divorced people or widowers who remain alone at home are most difficult. So what to do? First of all, it is good to maintain relationships that lasted during professional activity. If you develop your passions in retirement, think about finding a company for it - they can be community centers, various associations. You can make many interesting acquaintancesalso concluded via the internet. Good company is also ensured by … animals! It's worth taking one or two under your roof.
8. Don't neglect your appearance
Aging is a fact and there's nothing we can do about it. The body starts to look different, but that doesn't mean you should stop taking care of it. On the contrary - there is more time for beauty treatments. Good appearance and accepting your age allow you to feel more confident and attractive. Remember that age is just a number - it means a lot how we see ourselves. Of course, as time goes on, caring for your own appearance can get more and more interesting, but by the way, you manage to implement routine activities that organize your day. Take care of your hair, nails and skin. Also, do not neglect your wardrobe - the key is to match the outfits to your own figure and taste. Then you will also look much younger and more modern.
9. Don't forget about love and romance
Satisfaction with your love and erotic life is an important element of happiness. Keep this in mind also when you retire. If you live with a partner, try to step out of the roommate role and reawaken the feeling. Lone seniors are also not "crossed out". There are still plenty of opportunities to meet a new love. The inspiration is provided by numerous films and series, such as "Better Late Than Later" or "Hotel Marigold". It is worth remembering that we live longer and longer, and seniors often look very attractive.
10. Be patient and keep your distance
Retirement is a difficult time to adapt to. It is never easy, as mentioned above. That is why it is so important to approach your own actions with patience and understanding. In the new reality, you can make mistakes, make poor decisions. This is normal in any as yet unknown situation! So keep your distance, calmly analyze your needs, check what gives you joy. Thanks to this, in retirement you can experience a second youth, because you will discover what ensures the greatest personal happiness.

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