Nearly 40% of Poles are calm optimists - people who have the most positive associations with retirement. 38% have an indifferent attitude, and 24%, the so-called concerned realists, have the most negative associations with retirement. These are the conclusions of the study "Life in retirement - ideas and attitudes of Poles", commissioned by the Chamber of Fund and Asset Managers by ARC Rynek i Opinia.
- A statistical Pole is living longer and longer - this is what results from various available studies. The more important it becomes to answer the question: how to finance your retirement life? It is true that a large proportion of Poles think positively about this time, but unfortunately too small a group saves or invests their resources, which can be used in a dozen or several dozen years. In a few months, the PPK program starts, let's hope that it will increase the percentage of our compatriots who have their money in such a way to spend time actively in their retirement. The solution to the OFE issue announced by Prime Minister Morawiecki in recent days will certainly contribute to the increased responsibility for one's retirement future - comments Prof. Marcin Dyl, president of the Chamber of Fund and Asset Managers.

38% of Poles are so-called passive displacers - they have an indifferent attitude to retirement. They rarely think about it and it does not arouse positive or negative emotions in them. They associate retirement mainly with rest and time for themselves and their relatives, but also with financial problems. They believe that their situation in retirement will worsen or will not change. They do not yet plan their future in retirement - nearly 1/3 do not accumulate funds for this stage of life. They believe that their life will be financed mainly by retirement. 1/3 believe that there is no way to save that gives the best perspective for the future. Among the methods of securing the future, they most often indicate depositing money in the bank
40% of Poles have positive associations with retirement, 24% negative ones
Nearly ¼ of Poles are concerned realists - the group with the most negative associations with retirement. They associate retirement mainly with financial and he alth problems. According to them, their situation in retirement will worsen. They believe that their earnings will be lower than they are now, which is why they are more likely than others to point outintention to retire or retire (part-time) as late as possible. They are not planning a future in retirement yet. 27% of them do not yet accumulate funds for retirement. They indicate depositing money in the bank and investing in real estate as the best ways of securing for the future, but so far only some of them do it.
The survey was conducted by ARC Rynek i Opinia using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) method on a sample of 1,200 Poles aged 18-64. The collected sample was representative for the population of Poland in terms of sex, age, education level and size of the place of residence (excluding people on disability or retirement pension or those en titled to early retirement).