Pre-retirement benefit (or pre-retirement allowance) is granted to a person who meets specific conditions specified by law. Who can apply for a pre-retirement benefit and how much is it?
Pre-retirement benefitis granted to a person who meets a number of conditions (common and individual) regulated by law. The allowance is paid by the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) until retirement age.
Pre-retirement benefit: to whom is it due?
A pre-retirement allowance is granted to a person who:
- is near retirement age, but has not yet reached retirement age: female should be over 56, male 61,
- she lost her job for reasons beyond her control (e.g. the company closed down her job),
- has many years of service: minimum 20 years for women and 25 years for men.
What general conditions must a person meet to receive pre-retirement benefits?
1. An employee who has lost source of income should register with the Labor Office as unemployed. 2. He must be in receipt of unemployment benefit for at least 6 months. 3. During this period, he / she may not unjustifiably refuse to accept a job offer (nor may he resign from employment as part of intervention works or public works). After receiving a document confirming that you have received 180 days of unemployment benefit within 30 days, you must apply for a pre-retirement benefit.
What individual conditions must a person meet to receive pre-retirement benefits?
Pre-retirement benefits are due to people who meet a number of additional individual conditions regarding the termination of the reasons for employment, age and length of service.
What could be the reasons for termination of employment?
You are en titled to pre-retirement benefits if:
- the employment relationship is terminated due to liquidation of the workplace, liquidation of the workplace, insolvency of the employer,
- the contract may be terminated both by mutual consent and by notice,
- the employment certificate should clearly state that the termination of the relationshipthe employment was due to reasons attributable to the employer and there should be a legal basis for terminating this employment relationship,
- You have worked for your last employer for at least 6 months.
How does ZUS calculate seniority?
When calculating the length of service, ZUS takes into account:
- periods qualifying for retirement, i.e. contributory and non-contributory periods specified in the Pension Act,
- periods of work on a farm or running the farm,
- insurance periods abroad.
If contributory, non-contributory and supplementary periods coincide, ZUS takes into account the more favorable period when determining the pre-retirement benefit.
Is pre-retirement benefit due to people who have run a business?
Pre-retirement allowance is also available to people who have run a business but have declared bankruptcy. To receive it, you must meet the conditions listed above and:
- conduct business activities of a non-agricultural nature for a period of at least 24 months until the bankruptcy is declared,
- pay social security contributions at this time,
- have a court-issued bankruptcy order,
- have the length of service required for retirement (20 years for women and 25 years for men),
- be at least 56 for women and 61 for men.
Is pre-retirement benefit due to people who have lost the right to a disability pension?
Pre-retirement allowance is also due to persons whose en titlement to a disability pension has ended. To receive them, you must meet the common conditions and:
- register with the Labor Office within 30 days from the moment when the en titlement to an invalidity pension ceases,
- receive a pension for at least 5 years,
- be at the age of 55 for women and 60 for men on the date on which en titlement to the pension ceases,
- have a work record of 20 years for women and 25 years for men.
Pre-retirement benefit is not due to persons who, during the period of receiving the pension, applied for its suspension.
Is pre-retirement benefit due to people who have lost the right to the nursing benefit?
The pre-retirement benefit can be applied for by:
- the right to the nursing benefit ceased,
- the right to special care allowance ceased,
- En titlement to Carer's Allowance has ended due to the death of the person over whomcared for
To receive a pre-retirement allowance, you must meet the general conditions and:
- register with the Labor Office within 60 days from the end of the benefit,
- receive the allowance continuously for a period of 365 days,
- be 55 for women and 60 for men,
- work experience: 20 years for women and 25 years for men.
Where to apply for pre-retirement benefits?
You should apply for a pre-retirement benefit to the Social Insurance Institution in your place of residence.
Who pays the pre-retirement benefit?
The allowance is paid by ZUS on the payment date indicated in the notification.
What is the pre-retirement benefit?
From March 1, 2022, the pre-retirement benefit is PLN 1,140.99.
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