A large clitoris is a treasure for some, and a source of anxiety for others. Is there a standard what size should it have? Can the clitoris be too big?

What does that meanbig clitoris ? It all depends on our point of view. Some women (and their partners) may have no problems with slightly larger clitoris, and even appreciate its size, others - be concerned about the size of this organ. The clitoris can appear large when the surrounding labia are small - so a lot depends on the overall anatomy of the perineum.

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What are the dimensions of a large clitoris?

The clitoris, on average, is about 2 cm long and the glans (or round tip) 3.4 mm by 5.1 mm.However, this is only the visible part of the clitoris - in fact most of it is hidden inside the body! Together with the "legs" extending into the pelvis, the clitoris is approx. 12-15 cm.

Butclitorisare different, just like male penises, and there is no set standard for what size they should be. Is there aclitoris too big ? Medical reports say that under the influence of male hormones, the clitoris can become really large: e.g. 6 cm in length and about 2 cm in diameter (the visible part of the clitoris). Then it resembles a small penis and stands out enough that it can be a problem. The clitoris, the dimensions of which are only slightly different from the average, should not be disturbing.

Large clitoris - clitoromegaly

Clitoral hyperplasia is called clitoromegaly. Such a condition can only be diagnosed by a doctor, so if in doubt, it is best to go to the gynecologist. Doctors use a special scale (Prader Scale) for the appearance of the genital organs and assess each case according to it. Clitoral hyperplasia is most often congenital, caused by, for example, adrenal hyperplasia or Edwards syndrome. It may also be the result of high androgen levels (e.g. in polycystic ovary syndrome) or the effects of hormonal tumors.

Big clitoris or only clearly visible

Women differ greatly in the structure of the external genitalia. Some have very small labia, others - large. There are women whose inner labia are much smallerlarger than the external ones. The labia are fleshy and parted, they are also puckered up like a flower bud. The structure of the labia also affects the exposure of the clitoris, which is located right at the junction of the labia minora. They can cover it tightly, and even if it is large or medium-sized, it cannot be seen, and even difficult to feel unless it is just filled with blood (in a feint). But there are also clitoris that are exposed, and these can appear larger. Therefore, the best thing you can do is accept your clitoris for what it is. There are very few situations in which a doctor's intervention is needed.

A large clitoris at the surgeon's

Plastic surgery of the genitals is not uncommon today. The labia are plasticized most often. But clitoroplasty, or clitoral surgery, is also possible. It is possible to shrink the clitoris, but also enlarge or bring it out from under the skin if it is too hidden. However, it should be done by an experienced surgeon, preferably also a gynecologist. Any manipulation with a scalpel on an organ as innervated as the clitoris is risky. You can damage the nerve tract and take away the possibility of experiencing an orgasm.
