Sheehan's syndrome is associated with an underactive pituitary gland resulting from its necrosis. Necrosis occurs as a result of ischemia caused by profound hypotension or shock. These symptoms are the result of hemorrhage in the perinatal period.
Sheehan's syndrometopostpartum pituitary necrosis(Latinpanhypopituarismus postpartualis , English postpartum hypopituitarism, postpartum pituitary necrosis), which is a rare complication of pregnancy. It may occur when excessive blood loss (hypovolemic shock) occurs during childbirth, which will lead to a pituitary infarction - necrosis will appear in the anterior lobe of the gland. If they cover about 70 percent of this organ, we are talking about Sheehan's syndrome.
Sheehan's syndrome - symptoms
- postpartum amenorrhea
- disappearance of secondary sexual characteristics
- loss of sex drive
- pale skin
- depression
- general weakness
The above symptoms are accompanied by typical symptoms of pituitary insufficiency:
- menstrual disorders
- infertility, impotence
- loss of pubic hair
- lack of lactation
- hypoglycemia
- low blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension
- dry skin
- frequent feeling of cold, chill
Sheehan's syndrome - diagnosis
Sheehan's syndrome, also known as postpartum pituitary necrosis, is characterized by a reduced or undetectable concentration of two hormones in the blood:
- follicle stimulating hormone
- luteinizing hormone
It does not increase even after GnRH activation. Gonadotrophin deficiency may be accompanied by pituitary failure to secrete somatropin, thyrotropin or corticotropin.
The diagnosis can be made on the basis of tests in which the patient receives hormones that under physiological conditions would stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete its own hormones.
Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are performed to visualize edema or ischemia occurring in the pituitary gland.
Due to hormonal disorders, the probability of getting pregnant is much more difficult.
Sheehan Syndrome - Differentiation
Hypothyroidismoccurring after childbirth is rare, so it is worth excluding other diseases that appear more often. The possibility of the occurrence of such diseases as:
- Hashimoto's disease - autoimmune pituitary insufficiency
- isolated ovarian failure
- amenorrhea, for example due to anorexia
Sheehan's syndrome - treatment
It is impossible to cure the cause of Sheehan's syndrome. It is necessary to supplement with hormones that are physiologically secreted by the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and genitals.
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