Ornithosis (parrot, bird disease) is an insidious animal disease. Its first symptoms may resemble the flu or pneumonia, delaying diagnosis. This can have dire consequences as ornithosis can lead to myocarditis and even potentially fatal sepsis. What are the causes and symptoms of ornithosis? How is the treatment going? How can you get infected? How to prevent infection?
Ornithosis , otherwiseparrotoravian disease , is a zoonotic disease that is caused by by bacteria namedChlamydia psittaci . After entering the human body, they attach to the epithelium of the respiratory tract, and then through blood vessels reach the reticulo-epithelial system (part of the immune system). Then there is a secondary infection of the blood with bacteria, i.e. bacteremia. The next stage of the disease is the attack of microorganisms on the internal organs - most often the lungs, although they can also be the liver, nervous system, and even the heart.
Ornithosis (parrot, bird disease) - causes
The cause of the disease is an intracellular bacterium calledChlamydia psittaci , which is found in faeces and other secretions, as well as in bird tissues and feathers. Contrary to what one of the common names of ornithosis suggests, the carriers of microorganisms can be not only parrots, but also other domestic birds (e.g. canaries), as well as breeding birds (e.g. chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons) and wild (e.g. gulls) .
Birds that are carriers of the bacteria usually do not develop symptoms of disease.
Ornithosis (parrot, bird disease) - how can you get infected?
The development of ornithosis most often occurs as a result of inhaling dust containing particles of dried faeces or other secretions of birds that are carriersChlamydia psittaci . Infection can also occur as a result of touching the birds, less often pecking. It is also possible to get infected from a person suffering from parrots via droplets. It is worth adding that then the course of the disease is much more severe than in the case of infection with birds.
Ornithosis (parrot, bird disease) - symptoms
Symptoms appear 5-14 days after infection (this is the incubation period)resembling the flu, i.e .:
- feeling tired, broken;
- muscle aches;
- headaches;
- chills;
- fever;
There may also be abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, as well as nosebleeds and photophobia, i.e. eye hypersensitivity to light.
In the second stage of the disease, the following appear:
- chest pain;
- dry, painful cough;
- hemoptysis;
- high fever (usually around 40 degrees C);
There are also symptoms such as a reduced heart rate, enlargement of the spleen and liver (sometimes with jaundice). A rash that appears as petechiae may also appear.
ImportantAnemia may develop in the course of ornithosis becauseChlamydia psittacisecretes a toxin that contributes to damage to the endothelium of arterial, venous and capillary vessels, resulting in various types of bleeding. Complication of avian disease may also be myocarditis and pericarditis. Parrot can also lead to severe acute respiratory failure, sepsis, or septic shock.
Ornithosis (parrot) - diagnosis
In order to diagnose the disease, a sample of biological material is taken from the patient's respiratory tract and blood (for the presence of antibodies against bacteria that cause parrots).
Ornithosis (parrot) - treatment
Parrot is treated with antibiotics. The patient is usually given doxycycline. In severe cases, you may need to be treated in a hospital.
This will be useful to youOrnithosis (parrot) - how to prevent infection?
1. People who come into contact with birds on a daily basis should wear protective clothing. 2. Regular cleaning and washing of bird cages should be carried out, while wearing protective clothing. 3. Personal hygiene should be taken care of after contact with birds. 4. Bird breeders are advised to keep animals from other countries (especially tropical) in long quarantine 5. Only buy exotic birds from reputable sellers, from reliable sources. A certificate confirming that the bird has been tested for ornithosis should always be requested. 6. It's better not to get close to unfamiliar birds, especially those you see on vacation in tropical countries.