Treatment of frostbites, even the light ones, must be skillful. Frostbite skin is susceptible to damage. Therefore, when frostbites appear, it must not be rubbed or massaged. How to properly treat frostbite?

Treatment of frostbitedoes not consist in rubbing frozen places with snow or even with bare hands - this way you can easily and irreversibly damage the skin. You can only put warm hands on your chilled cheeks. And it's best to use warm, but not hot, water. Remember to heat frozen people gradually. Rapid heating of frostbite causes severe pain.

Frostbite: what happens in frozen tissues

In cold skin (or other tissues where frostbite is deep), ice crystals are deposited. In addition, the blood vessels contract and microcirculation is disturbed. Therefore, in severe third and fourth degree frostbite necrosis occurs - the tissues are malnourished. Inflammatory mediators are released at the site of frostbite, hence inflammation is also associated with frostbite. Moreover, blood viscosity increases as a result of vasoconstriction, acidosis and blood clots develop. Therefore, severe, deep frostbites are life-threatening and require the administration of drugs that thin the blood and balance the fluid balance.

Treatment of mild frostbite

We are progressing gradually and gently. After returning home, take off your clothes and shoes. It is best to warm the frostbitten places with warm, but not hot water. We bathe our hands and feet, we apply warm compresses to the face and ears. It is also worth warming up from the inside - drinking warm lots of warm liquids: regular tea or ginger tea heavily sweetened with sugar or honey. Alcohol must not be served. It dilates blood vessels and can lead to supercooling. When we are already warmed up, the frostbitten places should be wrapped in a soft cloth or bandages, and any damaged skin should be covered with a sterile gauze dressing. We try not to burden the frostbitten places. If we have frostbitten feet - we do not walk and while sitting we raise our legs above the heart.

Treatment of frostbite - once the temperature is restored to the correct temperature

When you regain feeling in frostbitten places and the acute inflammation has passed, you can rub ichthyol ointment into the skin and alternate warm and cool baths. They exercise the blood vessels and restore proper circulation. The condition of the dishes will also improve when we take preparations with a routine and lubricate the frostbitten places with arnica ointment (only undamaged skin). Soaking (or compresses) frostbitten parts of the body in warm olive oil and paraffin baths bring very good results. They restore the skin's good appearance and, above all, improve blood circulation.

Treatment of frostbite - when to see a doctor?

We should seek medical help when blisters appear on the skin or when swelling, redness and pain increase during the treatment of frostbite. An indication for a visit to the doctor is also the appearance of bloody or purulent discharge on the damaged skin. Also in the case when, despite heating in the frostbitten parts of the body, the feeling does not return and when we have malaise, headaches, dizziness and fever, you need to see a doctor.
