Chronic tonsillitis does not usually cause acute symptoms - the throat only hurts occasionally, you may have slight difficulty swallowing and swollen lymph nodes. The real trouble is bad breath and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. What are the causes of chronic tonsillitis? How is the treatment going?

Chronic tonsillitisusually occurs as a result of recurrent tonsillitis - angina caused by aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In children, chronic tonsillitis usually occurs with tonsil hypertrophy, in adults - without it.

Chronic tonsillitis: symptoms

In addition to recurrent tonsillitis, the following symptoms may indicate chronic tonsillitis:

  • frequent sore throats
  • bad breath
  • sometimes difficulty swallowing
  • unexplained fever
  • weakness
  • immunity reduction

During the examination, the doctor usually sees bloodshot palatal arches, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, and in the crypts liquid purulent discharge or white or yellow, hard, foul-smelling deposits within the tonsils (the so-called tonsil plugs).

Chronic tonsillitis: diagnosis

The doctor makes a diagnosis based on information obtained during a conversation with the patient and on the basis of a speculum examination (red palatal arches, residual content in the tonsil crypts, restriction of the mobility of the tonsils due to adhesions, slightly enlarged submandibular lymph nodes). Blood tests show elevated ESR and elevated CRP, high ASO. The pharyngeal microbiological test is usually negative.

Tonsil plugs may be physiological and, together with the size of the tonsils, are not a criterion for the diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis.

Chronic tonsillitis: treatment

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis involves antibiotic therapy, and most of all tonsillectomy, i.e. surgical removal of overgrown tonsils.


Watch out for oversized tonsils

The consequence of frequent angina is permanent hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils. Such tonsils are mainly composed of connective tissue (fibrosis) and notthey already protect against any infection. They are normally part of the immune system and protect us from bacteria, viruses and fungi. The overgrown ones are just a kind of delay bomb, because bacteria live in between the fibers and do nothing about the antibiotics that cannot get there. They can start multiplying at any moment and another infection is ready. To prevent this from happening, you should consider removing the tonsils with your doctor. The absolute indication for the procedure is oozing of purulent contents when the doctor presses them with a spatula.


Angina: how not to get sick?You cannot get vaccinated against angina. The streptococcal strains themselves are enormous, and the vaccine can only work against one of them. So there is no point in having hundreds of vaccines when the 100-first strain can cause the disease. In order to reduce the risk of developing angina, you rely only on yourself, so follow the rules below:

  • Treat teeth and any inflammation of the sinuses or ears, because these are the foci of infection close to the tonsils. From here, bacteria can quickly move to them.
  • Avoid people who are already infected; if someone in the household has caught angina - pay attention not to use, for example, the same cutlery or cups as the sick person. Wash your hands carefully after contact with the person suffering from strep throat.
  • Take care of your immunity - eat plenty of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, get enough sleep, rest, do some sports, dress appropriately for the weather, avoid stimulants.
  • After consulting your doctor, you can take medications that increase the body's immunity (e.g. Echinacea, Esberitox, Broncho-Vaxom, IRS-19).
  • Avoid the so-called thermal shocks - do not set the air conditioning to strong cooling in the car, do not jump from a sun-hot beach into the cold water; in hot weather, do not drink very cold drinks, e.g. with ice cubes, or eat heavily frozen ice cream.


Angina is a disease that cannot be underestimated in any way. What are its symptoms? Does a severe sore throat always mean strep throat? How is this disease treated? Our expert will dispel all doubts about angina.
