Diseases of the joints are a very common condition. Arthritis affects up to 20 percent in many countries. people over 40 years of age. It is a disease that affects mainly people over 50 years of age.
Diseases of the jointsrequire a proper diet that helps to maintain a proper weight, because excessive body weight additionally strains the joints. The second important factor in the prevention of joint diseases, related to diet and weight, is physical activity.
Prevention of joint diseases
In the prevention of joint diseases, first of all, you need to take care of a proper diet. It is perfectly complemented by various types of multivitamins, minerals and supplements. When buying them, however, you must always make sure that they are the highest-quality preparations made only of natural ingredients with documented clinical research. This type of information must appear on the packaging. The first person who can advise on their purchase is a doctor or pharmacist. In the prevention of rheumatic diseases, it is important to have a correct body weight, and thus proper nutrition. In addition, it is important to stay physically active. Of course, you also need to save your joints, especially the knee and hip joints - especially exposed to various overloads. Above all, you should avoid carrying heavy objects. It is also important to control the movements of the spine - the loads acting on the vertical axis are the least harmful to the spine. It is also worth remembering about other rules that apply every day. Lifting the weight should be done from the squat position. All work requiring bending down, e.g. sweeping, vacuuming, raking - should be performed in the most upright position possible. If the handles of the devices we use are too short, they should be extended. Rising from a lying position should begin with turning to the side; then we lower our legs and rise to the vertical, supporting ourselves with our free hand. Lying down on your back should be in the reverse order. If you experience sudden severe low back pain, you should lie down with your legs up, your knees bent at a right angle and leaned against your back.chair or bed edge.
Treatment of joint diseases
However, when the disease attacks our body, we must immediately undergo treatment. In the case of joints, it must be comprehensive, i.e. including pharmacological treatment, introduction of an appropriate lifestyle and nutrition, as well as physical rehabilitation. Sometimes, work with a psychologist is also included in the treatment. The cause of many rheumatic diseases is unknown. In this case, treatment is focused on eliminating symptoms and modifying the course of the disease. When the cause of the disease is known, both the cause and the symptoms are treated. The type of drugs used depends on the individual course of the disease, the severity of the symptoms, and the response to treatment. There may be a need to change the dose of the drugs administered or the drug itself at the beginning and during the course of therapy. Therefore, treatment is not a constant, unchanging process and its modification should be taken into account.
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